why didn't you go yesterday !?
are you gay?
just a tad aye
Ching chong was fantastic ! Shoulda told me I woulda got you some nikes LOOL salienatrang
hahahaha next time you go china get meh some
Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?
them ****ing beautiful nikes <3
nothing much :) how was ching chong land ?
Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?
antarctica people.. anti-social
saw you with yourr lady yesterday !
thats cool
heard you moved out? what happened?
Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
cant i just have both ?
i want you so bad right now.
HAHAHAHHAHAHA that a joke mate??
how much do you bench?
um 5kgs is my max :L
baby think of all the things i could do for you <3
cook for meh
one person you couldnt live without?
you baby
who do you miss the most ?
umm my mates?
whats up my niggah
nothing aye you?
whats up baby
gaygaygayagya :P
you're gay.
you living the thug life or ?
saw you and your girl the other day
oh really
why you gotta be so rude
cause i can
what are you planning to do on new years????
um not sure
whats up buddy
nothing much
Merry Christmas !!
hahaha right back at cha
How big is your TV?
whats a tv
thought so
I'm going to kill you mtherfker!!
**** off ****
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
tell me the loto numbers
YEAHHHH lets go beach julie, sivhak the boys with you at julies and stuff !! :') jessica_dang
what? when? who?
dont know much about you.. :) but umm you seem like a pretty out there girl :D i mean like you host sweet as parties and **** !! ****ing popualr as !! (dont deny it) hahaha :) you're pretty friendly and seem easy to talk to :3 we should chill one day soon ? yes ?
What are you wearing right now?
nothing but meh undies bro
Hii :) thoughts on me poop ! salienatrang
HAAHAHAHAHA um how do i start? friendly as :D easy to talk and chill with ! always good talking to you :3 wonderful girl :) any guy would love to be with ya hahahah party animal i hear
thoughts on me
pretty anonymous.. noob as bro
i see you walking but we aint talking ?
maybe i dont see you?
thought you loved me?
hahaha i did... but then i realised i didnt know who you were
why cant i have you...
hahahaha cause you cant say that to my face thats why
**** you
shift 8 times 4 you 2
your gf is a hoe
wanna die **** ??
you can do better
whatever you say bro
how could you date that trash.
you better **** up mate
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
s*ck my ****
tell me
well theres this girl and thats about it
whos da lucky girl?
scarlett johansson bro <3
omg heard you lost your virginity ??
wtf who said that ?
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
haha always
you remind me of a niggah !
thats nice
do you still work at bon bons??
is it true that once you go black you can never go back?
idk, is it?
you have the weirdest qoohme questions... just saying
yeah what of it
omg you have a girlfriend?
naaaah mate..
HAHHAHAHA Soooo Lily aaaye
yeesss Lily <3
what happened between you and ashley?
ummmmmm im not sure bud
when did you get a girlfriend??? D:
not long ago :)
whats your favourite colour?
red bro
ever kissed a girl ? or boy
yes and yes
whos ur girlfriend
WTF U HAVE A GF??????? WHO???????/
Like anyone atm ?
only my girlfriend
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
What is missing in your life?
Society or individual?
why not both
indeed i do xoxo
who do you miss the most from melbourne?
Zoey rebello <3
whos this very special person of yours ;) ;)
my lover bro
hows QLD? you miss melbourne yet ? :)
hahahaha nope
who you miss most back in melbourne?
someone very special to me
Anything i want? Hmmm..... I want a 99.95 atar next yr
go for it :) nothings stopping you
h8rury up and ans these questions
bear.. i know its you
I want to do adventurous things with ya
I want braces
go get some
I want to kiss u on new years, make that come true
hmmmm wish for it then
that should be me........ holding ur hadns
.. um who are you..
why are you in qld ?
why cant i visit my old home? :)
wat a gay guy?
who ? you ??? alright man, got nothing against you
Who sold you tickets to Euphoria?
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
do the extreme
ugly arsehhoe
harsh bro, come say it to my face?
What have you learned today?
single and ready to mingle?
hahaha single yeah but idk about mingle?
whats up with all your questions you get??? D:
idk you tell mee
What if a girl confessed to you, what would you do~?
idk ? confess back ?
thoughts on bear ^_^
lovely girl ^_^ besst friend ! super cute and funny ;)
U talk to this girl often? ;)
hahaha i try
No cuz its weird hahahaah
oh okays then
What do you think people think of you?
ummmmm idk
The girl ur crushing on whats she like??
inbox ghee
How's gym bruhhhh~! Pick up any of dem hot gym chicks ;)
naaah mate