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well I don't have baths in the morning I have them at night but I have showers it the morning
thought on my bae well where do I start? my bae is amazing I love my bae to bits and ****
97 ways by the fooo
omg she is amazing tbh she tunes to many guys but other than that she is fab xx
I accualy don't know like I have no idea what my life would be like without him if I had never met him or anything. and well if he dumped me now I would probs cry a lot and **** and then like cut my hair real short dye it a stupid colour smoke drop out of school and **** so yer change my life completely
omg Kyra ur amazing the bestest person ever!!! like I never want to loose u at all like omg!!! if I loose u ill stab everyone wow. but that joke yesterday bout not being friends was so mean gosh ill stab but love u Kyra ur the best xx
hey u *exy thang xx
idk chance and that im hungry lol
umm probs later in life not like this year or anything why da fudge would u ask me that!?!?!?!