Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
Umm no
What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year? jessiepooxx
Idk I don't really read
What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory? jessiepooxx
Eating dirt
If you had the option of adopting a baby fox or baby koala, which one would you choose? jessiepooxx
Idk a baby fox
What’s your dream job? jessiepooxx
I want to be a photographer
If you could either be a duck or an owl, which would you be? jessiepooxx
An owl
What do you love about yourself most? jessiepooxx
My eyes and my lips
what country you want to visit? jessiepooxx
None I like ausralia
if there was only pink and purple in the world what would u wear? jessiepooxx
Defiantly ourple
whats you favorite childhood cartoon? jessiepooxx
Almost naked animals
long walks on the beach or walks near the lake? jessiepooxx
Long walks on the beach
what is the most weirdest and the most disgusting thing that you have ever eaten? jessiepooxx
where is your ideal place for a date? jessiepooxx
Cinema would be I nice place to go
if you had a super power what would it be and why? jessiepooxx
I would be able to fly
If you got a tattoo, what would it be of? jessiepooxx
My kids names when I have kids
would you date a rich ugly guy or beautiful poor guy jessiepooxx
Beautiful poor guy
If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose? jessiepooxx
What are your favorite lyrics? jessiepooxx
Hmm good question
If you were forced to open a bakery, what would you name it? jessiepooxx
Kyras cake bake
What do you hope to achieve by 50? jessiepooxx
Having grankids
What has been your best moment this year (so far)? jessiepooxx
Idk today
Why are you so amazing?! jessiepooxx
I have no idea I just am
On the first day of ruling the world, what would you do? jessiepooxx
Kill you lol
Who do you think should run for prime minister from our class jessiepooxx
Tom wigney
do u believe in love at first sight jessiepooxx
It depends
When you were little, what did you want to be? jessiepooxx
A princess
Sping bc that's when my bday is
if u were standed on and island and u could only have 3 things what would they be? jessiepooxx
Clothes, first aid kit and ???
if u found out u were gonna die tomoz what would u do? jessiepooxx
I would make a bucket list and do everything on the list
Life at the moment is not that bad for me although I have my bad days but every person does right?
u butt head lol xx thoughts of me? jessiepooxx
I'm well what can I say, you are amazing you can be a ***** sometimes but what girl isn't, you have beautiful long hair and you know how to last in a relationship
Hey ****head xxx
Hey steph
what do u think my life would be like without chance? jessiepooxx
I'm really not sure I think that you would be a complete different person
top 5 girls and top 5 guys ur friends with jessiepooxx
Jess maher, Jess Allen, Bec Conway, jasmine ????, Vanessa peiper
Jacob tout, jack pointon and Jordan poke I guess
how are u so smart u poo?!?!?!?! jessiepooxx
I have no idea I guess I just do my work lol