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Jessica McDougall


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146 Replies

People are f***ing pathetic Jess, People posting shi* on your wall saying you're a slu* and should die? Not even f***ing cool. Show some respect. Jessica happens to be the complete opposite of a slu* and one of the most beautiful girls I know. LOVE YOU. lyss_crookshank


jessmcd3 replied 4524 days ago

Shut the f*** up, your ugly.. Cut your self.
You don't derevre jarrett.


jessmcd3 replied 4524 days ago

You are so beautiful :)


jessmcd3 replied 4530 days ago

I'm so f***ing done reading the pathetic shi* that you anons post on Jessica's wall, nobody deserves that shi*.
and Jess, don't listen to their bullshi*, you're beautiful, and they're just jealous. Keep your chin up<3 Mirandajane

Thank you Miranda, it legit means so much. It's funny because all people do is f***ing Bit** while on anon but all of them are too Pu**y to tell me who they really are.
But thank you<3

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago 1

You love attention from guys&& yes you are a slu*... Honestly you
Jump from one guy to another, ... Jake fingered you jarrrett fingerd you.
You gave him a handie.. .. Kill your self.

I'm not a f***ing slu*. Jake didn't finger me and neither did Jett. Jett and I haven't done any of that stuff. And what if this was the last thing I read and it pushed me over the edge? How would you feel if I actually went through with it?

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

Alyssa Crookshank..MMMMMMM

lol, love you.

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago 1

I love you forever. Next person that says something about my little sister will be getting their as* kicked without any questions.She is a beautiful individual who is stronger then most people I know.f*** off about her and Jett it's none of your concern meganmcd


jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago 1

Or your just a big slu*, that likes attention from guys... Is actually what you told me.

lmfao , I'm not a slu*. but k.

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

Why did you cheat on him?

It was all a big misunderstanding.

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

Are you and jarrett dateing?


jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

You ovbs didn't love jarrett when you cheated on him. I bet he could find someone better that treated him right and would actually be faithful.

Everything that happened with Jett and I was a big misunderstanding.

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

will you have another thing with Brayden next summeeeeer???

If I'm still with jett, no.

jessmcd3 replied 4531 days ago

Stay with brayden, you and him make such a cute coupple,

Brayden lives three hours away, I can't do the distance. Plus. I love jett.

jessmcd3 replied 4532 days ago

I f***ing hate you, stupid Bit**. I wish you would die!
You f***ing slu*. I hate you so f***ing much...

Say it to my f***ing face.

jessmcd3 replied 4533 days ago

YOUR A ***** jk now that i have your attention can i have a tbh ;) it's sheldon oldgregg

lol no.

jessmcd3 replied 4533 days ago