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Right, well, As soon as I woke up I had a shower, got dressed and started to play my laptop. Then Josh M rings and want to kb. So he comes over, first we chili at mine for a bit then we decide to go dts. We end up going to coles, then Kmart, then Jb, then Chiken feed, the back to coles, and in that time all we got was some pepsi and mentos, we chucked the mentor in and you know what happens, then we start walking back to mine, Tyler rings and asked if we wanted to go to our old school assembly, so we did that then went to safeway to get a kebab, then we quickly go to mine and get my bag packed to go to Josh m's, we get there, then walk back to mine to see if my phone was there which it wasn't so we go door knocking for a bit the walk back to his, we go for another walk and then Jack R comes over (uninvited) then we go back to his, pick him up and went for another walk.... so then we start plain around, get skitsed at by a stranger, walk home, Jack goes home then we wait till its dark then we go for a night run, got back and we've been chill in' in Josh's room ever since! so yea, my day!
Funny as! Always there for me and pretty! x
Boy: Josh McKenzie <3 Girl: Prue & Lua!
no one!
Ahaha, yea pre good, funny and awesome to tlk to, best laugh!
mmmm, Hot c*nt!
Need for Speed <3
ahaha, ik! :D No problem! x
Mkay. Doesn't mind me!
Fu*kin AMAZING! Hot as! One of the nicest people ik, Funny as!, always there for me and just an amazing friend! xx
haha, *exiest red rooter I know !
No one!
Yeh shes pre cool! Oh and nar, kinda not my type :/ Sorry!
Prue.... Done
Sick lad!
Probably when I was little????
One of the biggest druggo's I know! hahaha nar man, your mad! tall as tho :O
Sickest lad aye, always there! like a brother <3
Pruee! Das it......
Yeh pre good friend, nice & funny!