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I believe that they are too different artists and my choice will only be a matter of my personal preference and not who the best is, to me I like Lo more than Tay because he has tight lyrics
I honestly don't think beef is necessary in the hip-hop game but it makes the industry fun..I don't know the reasons behind the beef between LO and Tay but maybe if I knew the reasons I would be in a position to comment better..I have no beef with either of them
Yes I am and am sure my neighbour knows am an Artist, am not sure about Mzuzu people whether they know me or not..but if they watch TV maybe someone knows me out there..but the truth is I don't do it for fame..I only do music cause I have a passion for music
Its just simple..I love being with my family,my girl and my friends in any situations they are in, be it a party, a funeral or at also thankful to God for blessing me with a musical talent..I don't wanna be like anyone else..I just live my life in a way that I never have to regret anything in the future..I try as much as possible to please God and noone else
Performing is not something that I do everyday and besides that I am involved in so many activities in my life that I fail to keep track of things unless do***ented let alone memorise all my songs..I admit my failure and hope to do better next time..thanks
Nyau king has the talent ,a dream and the connections..most of us lack that combination....I tried sending my video to Channel O but up to now no feedback..I don't know whether it wasn't good enough or not in their eyes, now I found another way of getting international recognition, Youtube..through youtube my video was beamed on a french local TV station
I don't really understand your question but I will answer it this way...I despise evil or any wrongdoing
Its very true and I can't deny it, The reasons are
1. Its been a long time since I last performed
2. I didn't rehearse well
3. I changed the choice of songs to perform since the songs I was supposed to perform I featured people who were not available
Black-Agon is a Reggae/Dancehall group that Consists of Khuzie B, Manton (Founding Members), Kassablanca, Ninja Mafia, Skica B, Omikhy, I was so lucky to be in that group because I learnt alot, I will always be a Black-Agon member, only that the group has now taken a Different direction which am not so good at, thats Hardcore Dancehall, am for Conscious reggae..So i Have just taken a break kaye
Am doing school now and also saving for our wedding, am just praying to God to make my dreams come true
I want to try and promote some young artists who can also make a name for themselves, but in the meantime I want to make a future for me and my future wife first before I do that
Not in exact order but its Ishan Capital, Blackafella & Massa Vega, Zeze Wa Agwede, Mady P, Khuzie B, Teebz and Jeelz
Yes I am,but I may retire very soon
Ye its true, I was supposed to perform at church that night and u had forgotten the performance CD at home
Honestly, I don't have a specific top 5, but the Top Mdubz Artist that I respect are, 3rd Eye, Barryone, Young Kay, Cyclone, Gwamba, Renegade
When we were starting, I thought we wouldn't last long, but with God by our side, here we are now, with God all things are possible, Facebook is just like the street you meet people and become friends with some of them, some last, some don't
Yes we did, we met on facebook in November 2009, started dating in January 2010, we've been together ever since up to this moment, now we are making wedding plans for next year
No, she isn't, but I love her like my first and my last
Its just a matter of respecting God's commands..I sometimes get tempted but through God's grace I overcome them not an Angel, but I believe that its God who makes me do all that I do..I love my Barbara so much and I pray that I will be with her til death parts us
Every disobedience has its own punishment..if the punishment of sin is be it
Sometime around this time next year, if God willing
Nothing, am so proud of what God made me to be
Pretenders and people who want me to be what they want me to be
We have never signed anyone to Hidden Talent, it was only comprised of founding Members, we only worked with some Artists, signing involves a Record Contract, we will only do that when we are very ready, in the meantime we were busy with purchasing equipment for our studio.
Anything legal that is within my capabilities
Barbara Silverheart Ussein
That am so political
Loving, Caring, Friendly