Snapchat best friends?
I dream about yanking that fine A$$ ponytail all fcking night long baby Mmm dammn
Hmm Wow the way you word that
Please turn lesbian for me now
Mikayla you know I'm not ready for such a big commitment yet geez
Who's Sherlock?
Sherlock homes duh hahah
I feel like we should make out relationship public. I'm only making this anonymous because I respect your privacy. But please you can't keep our love in the dark any longer I'm gonna out us to the world
You're just so funny
A little someone misses you.....
And who would that be.........
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Battery percentage on your phone?
Do you like to have a few Bintangs and watch the world go by?
Yeah I do, while I'm in bail on a beach
What have you been doing on the holidays want to hang out?
Little to late
What is your idea of living the good life?
Being happy lol