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I don't
My freedom? Idn, the world????
U didn't send me no letter don't think I could forgive you!!!!!! Idn the song but it's tops
The as*, just once
yay i remembered by password for this ****
to impress men obvs
Myself hunty
Like wtf lol
Horrible grammar
I would be all up in their mouth don't you worry I'm saving this dudes life
Are you ffs...... My face when I read this was straight :| **** off
Lmao ^^
Is this for real? Like I can take this to the police and have them trace it back to wherever you are. Watch the what the **** you say. Don't even take one more step out of line cause this is just disgusting
Ahhhhh so we get to the root of the problem. You just wanna see me cry? Lmao nah man it is a possibility history may repeat itself. The only option we have left is to fight for the oppressed and understand our white privilege. (Which is what I'm doing rather then being an abusive douche on qoohme)
Deal with the fact that your misogynist ideas of video games are going to be killed and wtf? The holocaust was awful but you're the one refusing to discuss other people being oppressed until I talk about white people suffering. Again you just want the ****ing spotlight shined on you and BTW Jews are slightly oppressed if only for the fact their culture/ look originates from the Middle East. But then again, they are white, and the ratio of problems for Jews and problems from actual POCs is like 1:1000
Lmao yeah and mlk's activism killed the severely imbedded racism in everyday American society in the 1960s cause sometimes awful things have to be destroyed in order to allow equality. Deal with it
Ahhh whatever I think you'll obviously come out with a misogynist, racist, ***hole thing to say in response
Ahh you should see the rest of the messages I've gotten.... Watta cry baby! wants a ****en pity party lol. Thanks!!!!
Yea nah we just sailed right up to their ****ing shores and took them back with us to become slaves. Black people get murdered on every street in any place. #ferguson
Lol is this supposed to be a sign that white people are oppressed? These are events were white people became more picky about certain white people. Next your gonna tell me white people are still being opressed because this one time when you were five some kids told you you couldn't play with them. Stop trying to make a point cause you don't have a leg to stand on or anything to back you up. And also stop having a ****ing sook okay. the **** you're saying/points you're trying to make are so offensive to any poc reading my qoohme and u should literally be ashamed of yourself for wanting the spot light to be on you. You could murder a bunch of people, kill your whole family or set a hospital on ****ing fire and still won't be treated as badly or with as little respect as a black man walking down the street carrying green tea and a pack of skittles. (Hint hint, modern example of black oppression) Go the f u c k away. I'm sick of you're ignorance and stupidity
In the context of racism yes it is only POCs being oppressed. Reverse racism does not exist. It may hurt your feelings, but racism could never and does not ever effect/oppress white people; and I can prove you wrong in every situation/ scenario you give me
You're responsible for understanding just how privileged you are and you are responsible for the outcome your white ancestors have left you. Heads up, they've left the world a ****ing ****hole and so it's your responsibility (if You're not racist or dumb) to fight for civil rights and help POCs rise to the power they deserve. Srsly it ain't that hard. Just realise that while you benefit from past decisions, people still suffer from them; and quite severely
No I want to hear your pov on it
What does it contain
Yeah but again... White privilege. You name a few POCs and think it's all fine and dandy... Like no. Racism and white privilege are imbedded in our society like... Slavery tho, like multiple attempts of genocide, like our intense need to colonise and take over every part of the world. The epitome of beauty...... All white. Biggest Leaders in the world...... All white. We literally s*ck. All our ancestors are ***holes and we own everything. There isn't a part of society that we don't rule in. We srsly shouldn't be proud of anything cause life s*cks is you ain't white
You can literally google this but basically cis means to feel like the gender you were assigned to at birth. (Born with a v***** and is pleased / feels right with being born with this = cis gendered). Trans people are born with a certain genitalia and do not feel comfortable or safe or just generally happy with being born that way and so decide to adopt characteristics associated with their more preferred gender. Some take it a step further and decide to alter their body through surgery, hormones WHATEVES. And no, none of this is unethical it is perfectly fine and (hopefully) safe and anyone and everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin.
It's not a belief it's a fact!! (If that makes sense) and no I don't hate myself but I do know where I stand in the world and that being white is just a HUGE privilege so Idn what you want me to do with this question. I'll end by saying white people are ****ty and I'm not gonna have a pity party for myself and the fact that it makes me sad that I'm apart of the worst majority in da world. All I can do is support movements that help destroy white privilege and hope poc's will rise to power and racism comes to an end
Kassia666 plz add me!!!!!!!
Oh okay well then no u sound gross!!!
C l i t ???? D i c k ????? Sock?????? I'll never know
Ah yes the collect voice of that group of people "feminists" and their crazy ideas. Bb, almost every corner of this world is *exist/gendered; or at least has it's fair share of problems with gender and inequality. A science field? One of them. As a person entering this field as a female I can tell you I certainly feel judged and ridiculed for choosing a education path that would lead me to a science related career (simply because I'm a woman). When "femenists" say physics is *exist (clearly we mean the field and work place of physics rather then the reasoning or maths in it) it is only because women like myself trying to enter into a physics based career are not given many examples/ role models of other women who have entered that field. (Obviously hundreds of years of oppression are to blame, it's not a mystery girls like me are unrepresented). Like c'mon, you's don't honestly think I'm gonna rock up at a physics uni lecture in a few years and not have (obviously a male dominated class) and a bunch of men/professors telling me I can't handle the work or possibly have a career in science just because of my gender. It's not their fault, everyone's taught that women can't do anything analytical or scientific and THIS is what women (and men aswell, don't have a sook) are trying to end. So when those darn, pesky feminists are hurting your privileged feelings and position in the world just remember that we got a pretty **** deal when we entered this world and are just tryna make it a better place for unrepresented girls like me in their future work field! Kbye thanks
And ya know what that meansssssss
This sounds like Scottish slang
Yes true
It's not a bad thing tho it's like extremely horribly bad and it cause horrible things and has a lot of impact and you're an ***hole for wanting to get your opinion across that much on social media and if you think the discriminatory things you're saying is okay and you're feelings get hurt when someone tells you what you've just said is wrong then you srsly need to take a step back and reevaluate your purpose to say such things. Again it's not freedom of speech if you're being a di ck
This tho ^^
Sometimes it's hard to fight for justice when the oppressor has a louder voice. Sorry the oppressed have hurt your feelings!!!!!
You do realise that this thing you're calling "opinion" in one way can be the root of genocide and war and everyday *exism while the other "opinion" is not so much opinion as it is basic facts and a person trying to make someone else understand the impact there words have and is also trying to help society evolve. Not free speech if you're being a d i c k
Dude if someone's being racist/*exist/anything horrible online it's not freedom of speech it's being racist/*exist/anything horrible (it's straight up bullying) and those people should be told what they did wrong and why they shouldn't do it again!!! C'mon
So basically it's a person who thinks they know **** about social justice and takes the fun out of every conversation? Then ye they sound like ****s but if they're putting a person in there place then it's a good thing!!! Idn man this is a weird topic
I just urbandictionaried this and if it's what I think it means then I don't understand where youre coming from???? I think they've/we've made the internet a better place
It was quite detailed
I love then on tall, smart, social-justice related, glass-wearing nuggets
It sure ****en is
I'm sorry what
haha soz for wanting to be treated like an equal!!!111
aw bb
people think i'm tough but i literally bruise like a PEACH
he must! the economy's pretty bad atm so thats a factor you have to consider