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My mum...u gts a prob wif tht...
If I nid advice remind me not to come to you...n while u thinkn of it,mek sure u get a life....
Don't tell me you tryna make me mention ur name?' Ndayiwala.
Ta tandala...kwali imwe?
When I find 1, I will let u know... :p
She too gwd for u... N by the wy, Don't mess with me...!
I was never taught on how to hate don't exist in my dictionary...sorie,lol
...I will have to come back to u on tht....
Xul as usual...bwa?!'
I don't know...bingu?'
Don't tell me u don't know the ans to
.....Ain't it obvious?' I do love her.....
Ndakwiya nah, jst playin wit ya, its o gwd...
True wen z u comin to Bt?
Nun much,jst talkin 1 step at a tym..pursuing destiny...waz ziwa?
O z gwd...u?'
Ndilipo axse, uku sowa ndiwe...
It's best if u tokd to God on tht...waziziwa!
Nun of the I have a strong feeling tht u r retarded like
...Why don't you grab my history book and might find something useful...just hope that u know how to read?' No offence. Lol
osakawafusa bwanji?'..............n'sanje yakoyo ndipake siunagwilebe.......mfana wopanda plan iwe the way, kasukemo n'kamwa mwakomo mukununkha ngati chimbuzi cho kumba cho zaza, cha kwa
Ha ha! Laaame! wer u tryna cruck me up or insult me... Wagwanayo!...damn am gwd! Lol...
Why don't u ask mca if t loves me...
"Ma gal" MzTacia.....God been, is, and will forever be gwd to me... I bet u wish u was me ryt?'
Jannnneeeeeettttttt! Wats gwaning?'
...Ohhhhh Myyyyyyyy God!!! I didn't knw wamva, how come u neva told me?' booh tu:{ ...kutibisila kuti iwe ndi mafunyeta ndi ma Ndimadabwa nanga kufana konse kuja. Ha ha ha
Ama let u knw as on wen we shud do some togetha.
...The day I gt born again, I met God....n He changed me....
It's really been a minute fam...we shud work on a track together...ukuona bwanji?
Yeh i did.... Kissakay,moses,misheck,piwah,fiskani,janet,rui,lutchi...n the 1 who z holdin #1 ''Naticia'',i bet u r nt
Wen u was a young lad...were u...?' yeh, i thot so aswel... Too bad, nt o pp r lyk u.
...Get a lyf...tht wud neva happn... Hav u seen me koma?'... I thnk u mandifuna iwe eti?' sorie am nt
...If i neva luvd ha,why wud i date ha?' use ur i gts no tym 4 games...i gt in a relationship wit ha to stay, n nt to walk away...
......i dnt hav tym 4 tht,ther r o ma frendz nun z gr8r...n am o gwd wit tht...bwanji kodi?''
My gurl Nut-usher
Mmmmmhhh ndiyankhe kangati?' Bwanji kodi?'
...The very same thing tht happnd to michael jackson...waziziwa?'
...?'...wts wrong wit ya! U on weed? Lol
Mmmmhhhhh most advice?' Thts a hard 1, I will have to check on ma list, bt mos def it aint
Simple,I wud 4get em' n put my focus on God...coz how they look @ me don't really matter...but how God looks @ me ya! I wud do tht, n I wud say,do the same... Seek God's approval not man's approval...
Iwe grant.. .,nikuluwenge
I hear u...
If tht was the case, then I bet God wudnt have allowed me to come n learn @ do u c it?
Nah, tht dude cnt even spell or write his name ryt, I even doubt if he went ku xul... God daz...waziziwa...
Being moulded into the Christ u know we o heading towards perfection...n thts why Christianity is learning and un learning of things. :p
Revival bring er... Judges 15vs19...
U okay?
It's odvious: "en-hakk..." It's o grace being made manafest!
Do u believe in purpose or destiny?
"Natacia" aka "MzTashaxOx" don't hate,coz this babe is hot...real talk! :p
3 words a "testimony of grace" waziziwa? Chisomo axse...
..."Scratching ma head...?' Iwe nanga...?'
.....It's obvious.......mztashaxox' ndiye uyelekeze ku
In the world...mmmmmh, ghhh let me c...... I will have to keep u on hold on tht 1....
It depends on who u r?' Jst sayin, a person has to be sure these days, don't wnt to end up likin the demons. Waziziwa?'
....words can not describe, only His Christ can...
...Tht am white...
...Iwe uku ona bwa?....
Grace made manafest!