hu gave u ur 1st kiss?
how yew expect me to remember,, iwas 8 by then
who u realy msng most nw?
2dae z ma bdae n i want bdae *ex wit dat big as*! HARDCORE!!!
thank GOD yew luwk¡nq 4 bg wuanx only..weL sinc myn aint wuan "GET A LIFE"
cn u handl the truth?
m0st def.
miss ur cute face in btz kourt, whn u ***ng?
neveR!!! ProbabLy next week
kourtnEy & zeze whoa thats a cute couple.
awww!! sure it¡Z Nd yor questi0n is??
iz it true d@ u easily g pissed??
n0t trUe.. Wakunamiza amakuuzayo aise
Ey!...r u datin Zeze kingston?...nd if yes..do u truly luv him?..
trulLy l0ve ma mAn...:)
How many tyms u had *exy with yo boyfriend?
we both virginx.
U stil goin out wif harreson?lmao
like have i ever??
Who u datin currently
find out. Its allover
du u swear?
n0waez!! It gats n0 profit..
saw you at santa plaza, was it really u?
sue waZ by civo whY ddnt yew ha//a thEN..
thngs that got us tokin, u neva fal in lov so easily wat happnd nw?
watx happng btwn me nd hm iz jux MagICAL.. Haha ndakuziwa u bn askn ths frm da dae i startd datng hm. .awwww
how did u feel when ther was so much attention on ur relationshp status?
buh y shud they? Ts silly that people concentrate that much iyA
Nde watch wat u ans nat az if kut lotx of pipo ask u dat shyt az if u made a mistake..mxi No_name
i answer whats on ma mind not yours ayt!!
do u mis ur ex's
dont av wuan
mxii osamayankha zoti akufile.tired of that wuan nde chani.....you know how many pipo askd me that???? No_name
njema_ andifile zi cha? O pouliz ask tha wuans askn am jux answrng wena!!!
wat wer u thinkn dating sean the playa
sn¡ff snifF** DO i hav ta ansa ths wuan!! Kynda tired of ths questi0n so yah...
hav u misd me?
only cuda answr if iknw yew nd tx nat lyk i mis evrywuan
y u flirt alot?
am just guwd at it... Try me
Who z ur fav artist(male and female) in the urbun local scene
R u a fan of urbun local music?
Hey baby gal,
wazup baby boi tho mata ov fact iknw u a bg man old enuf tobe ma great great grand_pa
eva thot of losing weight.?
cud'av said yes if i had sum sum buh a t0othpic lyk me watx dat 4!!
do u thnk kasheena is gud interms ov rappin. Thnk bwt t
she aint good no offence buh chicka is d.o.p.e
who is ur bestfrnd
bryan m'buka
btwn kasheena & klick hu wud u chuz 2b yo bestfrnd?
none.. They both ma close friendx
i lyk ur profile pic
uli bho
w@ happnd to u nd sean?
ABC happened
jus heard u the hotest chick in yo clas, true that k0ma?
might be true and might n0t be true
avnt seen u lately at mca, whr u nw?
nrc yo!!
where on earth wer u thnkn wen u hd a thng with harrison nguluwe lyk y u out o *****z?
do u thnk u a diva..??
What if u whr to meet a person u dnt knO wld u tel em bout GODS Compassion & Wrath?...
sure i would..why n0t after o tha w0rld z endind prettie so0n
Wh z yo twinie..lol
tamala nkhana nd patie s lunar
What abt Da virus?
and whatabout him?
hw old r u?
old en0ugh to date. just 12
3yearz,312 dayz,17 hours,32 minutes,abwt 6 secondz!
countdown imeneyo! Ndakufila... Lol
wat z tha meanin of death
kufa kul0wa mmanda
iz it true dat ur datin davie?
whatchu thnk?? Ukufunsa ukuziwa iwe. Nd ma answer is N0000h.
Ya lyk Rap Hip-Hop Muzik?
u gat jesus?
He is in mE...
Did u get ur name on kourtney nd kim take newyork?
somethnG lyk that... But ey was given by ma fam
Ilove u very mch,wud upliz date me?
oops s0rRy "chick is alreadY taken" wachedwa ndi a sec0nd
Describe yourself in 3 words?
kourtie ka hourtie