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Definitely Amanda or Julian... ;)
Because JB's black???
Hello entirely anonymous person whom I have no idea sent this message and have no way to find out!!
Oh oh oh, Heres another one... Your grammar!!
Hmm well I know soooooooooooo many Sri Lankans so its just so hard to pick just one... There is this Ruth chick who is pretty cool, I might have to choose her... Yeah, probably Ruth, Ill lock in that answer.
Thats a good question, I think I need swag first. We shall find out
That would be a hideously dressed army. What is a jumper anyway? Why is it a jumper? Do you jump in it? Does the article of clothing itself jump? I dont think so, I feel it should be called what it is, a sweater
If Stevie Wonder, Michael Buble and Justin Bieber all died then they would be a bit above average. Thats it
Hmmm Im thinking he will kill it BUT Im thinking Nyjah will take it out, the kid is a competition machine
Hi Sarah, I find this question stupid so I shall not answer it. Goodbye.
Billy, do you mean number 8?? Dont remember a number 12 even being on the team, if he did he wouldve missed the last shot to win the final, not too sure though...
Well played and well played. You got me.
Who are you?!?! Im pretty quick, I think I could catch you. Im like a cheetah or some other quick animal creature. My chin is up, I doubt you support the Giants and therefore your team didnt make the WORLD SERIES
I don't know who you are but I will find you and I will kill you. Luck is for White sox and yankee fans anyway.
Yes... No, I dont. Trying to think... No I dont. Dont exactly know who 'we' was... Is? dunno.
awesome, Im glad Im good for something haha :)
ahhh!! All day er'day playah. Them young bloodz dont know what hit em.
No my friend, YOU are a boss.
Thanks, Im sure yours isnt half bad either! <3
Hey, cat fight in a church, it could happen...
Thank you! I respect you for saying that!!