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ask me anythinggg? :*

108 Replies

What do you like about the person you dating?

Well the thing is I'm single lol

libbypickles replied 3554 days ago

What’s a common misconception people have about you?

that i'm going to let petty people bring me down and that i'm a sl/ut when i'm far from it. :):):):):):):)

libbypickles replied 3566 days ago

why haven't you killed yourself yet

because i love reading your messages everyday. ;) xx

libbypickles replied 3577 days ago

you owe me money you little *****.Don't tick if ya not gon pay bak

can you please stop trying to make rumors up about me you pathetic **** i don't do any drugs and everyone knows it ahaha you live such a sad life.

libbypickles replied 3577 days ago

Oi nah to the c unts being a ***** on anon, f uck off you dirty little rats and go kys
ily libby xxxx chloeerobertsonnn

ilyyyyy! xxxx

libbypickles replied 3577 days ago 2

Jealous oh please I get a lot more girls then he does xx

you're so pathetic hiding behind anon ahaha weak. :):):) xoxoxox

libbypickles replied 3578 days ago

Anon, just leave you unwanted dirty fuuck and grow uppppp dariaLeech

<3 <3

libbypickles replied 3580 days ago

I bet your mum asks herself everyday why she ever had you. You are a dirty mutt. No one likes you or wants you here. Just **** off

i'd suggest some productive things for you do with your time but that's a waste of my time.

libbypickles replied 3580 days ago

You are the dirtiest ***** I've ever met. I'm going to make your life hell

you don't even know me silly girl i think it's about time you grew up and got over this i'm so done with your sh!t.

libbypickles replied 3580 days ago 1

I hope you slice your wrists until you bleed out you chatty ****. Bendigo could do with less people like you ya drug ****ed little ****. I don't understand why you think you're so hot hahaha. You are disgusting.

i don't do any drug thankyou very much, i don't think i'm hot but i'm far from disgusting.

libbypickles replied 3580 days ago

I'm pretty sure you know who I am c;

Whether it was best friend or not I loved you for you and I have always wanted the best for you, and I'm pretty sure you knew that as well!

i'm gonna feel real awkward if i message the wrong person rn ahahah.

libbypickles replied 3581 days ago

You lovely, I feel like I have always been waiting! I never really got a chance to show my feelings, its different every time! But you already knew I loved you didn't you?

idek if someone is f#%king with me right now or what? ahaha. if it's who i was thinking of i knew you loved me as in a bestfriend kind of way.

libbypickles replied 3581 days ago

See now if I tell you who i am it wont be any fun! Hahaha, for now, i'm how you say, waiting.

waiting for?

libbypickles replied 3581 days ago

Remember when I had you stay over because I couldn't stand the idea of where you wanted to sleep? Well, that was the first time I ever realised how much I actually loved you, i still do don't get me wrong

i think i know who this is? inbox me maybe? this is adorable! love me like a mate?

libbypickles replied 3581 days ago

slit your wrists khunt

grow up..

libbypickles replied 3581 days ago