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Mackenzie Herd


Get to know me!

184 Replies

What makes you happy?

Michael Bate, animals, movies on a rainy day, make up, milo, my family.

mackenzieherd replied 2562 days ago

so much love for you. ? luckiest friend in the world. - Jen M ?

Cannot wait for April !! xxx

mackenzieherd replied 2574 days ago

Why are you taking the pill?

For a form of contraceptive and to help with my skin

mackenzieherd replied 2574 days ago

Are you comfortable with Deandra being overly close with michael? Michael isn’t the one you need to worry about, it’s deandra . We all know she’s been plotting him before he even started dating you

She must *** fite me m8! ...?Nah I think she's too busy with her man to he worrying about mine. We are a family

mackenzieherd replied 2618 days ago

You are impeccably flawless and I don't me solely looks wise. Your beauty isn't skin deep, everything about you is just incredible!

Thank you so much! I could be considered a little quirky at times (with weird gross fascinations and habits) but you sure know how to make me feel like I'm a beautiful lady

mackenzieherd replied 2618 days ago

What school does you, your boyfriend and your sister go to?

I am homeschooled, my sister is in Danville (also my old school) and Michael is at Oakridge, the brightest "oak" there ? ok sorry I'll go home now

mackenzieherd replied 2618 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where a guy walked with you to the bathrooms, but then stood nearby and walls were thin, so you couldn't go?

This is so specific, no ?

mackenzieherd replied 2618 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

Thrown up all over the bathroom floor when they were drunk :(

mackenzieherd replied 2618 days ago

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Haven't we all

mackenzieherd replied 2718 days ago

What's something that took you way too long to realize?

My worth

mackenzieherd replied 2718 days ago

What makes you uncomfortable?

Older men checking out/making $exual advances to younger girls

mackenzieherd replied 2727 days ago 1

What do you wish had never happened to you?

I wish I never got involved with a guy until I met Michael

mackenzieherd replied 2736 days ago

Hi wifeyy you know who's this ??

Bby ❤

mackenzieherd replied 2737 days ago

Why are you getting chemical peels and Lazer treatments done?

I battled with acne in grade 8 and since my skin has been clear I've been left with superficial scars so for one of the presents for my 18th I am getting my "face fixed". Basically I'm just being super fussy and not wanting to wear foundation anymore

mackenzieherd replied 2737 days ago

Have you experienced $exual harassment?


mackenzieherd replied 2737 days ago