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4 :)
Follow your heart
Being around the people who love you!
Not many
To live with no regrets and always have supportive family and friends.
Woah what is you're problem? All you people do is gossip about pathetic sht. Saying happy birthday is called being polite, something you obviously don't know how to do. I watch and support the whole club and every team so dont try to make it seem like I just watch them. Plus I don't add them all, some have added me. Maybe you need to focus more on you're own life and making friends instead of trying to btch about me 24/7, cheers!
Is there something wrong for supporting the whole club? not just the netball? I don't 'like' them. Btw if you know me well enough, you know I watch the 16s, 18s and what I can of the reserves and seniors when I'm not playing netbal!
So can every other female in the world?! By the way, don't know what I've done so whatever!
Yeah.... Except I don't really care so whatever
When did I say I do?
Ah I don't even love one of them so don't know what your on about. Just cause I have spoken to a few of them doesn't mean I love them. It's called making friends.
Family and friends
Ugly because I believe there would be at least one person that would think your pretty.
Not a fan Hahha nah he's very funny and a good bloke!
Yeah look nah
I don't know! I don't care if he does or if he doesn't. Like I said, was just hoping for a guy friend without so much drama!
Kurt is my fav burra boy!
Well I'm just saying that I don't care what you think! I'm just trying to have a guy friends!
Who said I try to get him to like me? Am I not allowed to have a Guy friend?
Nice kid! Always really friendly and good at footy
Love her to bits! We have our ups and downs but manage to get through them! She's very pretty and funny and crazy but I love her x
He is very nice and funny. Good at football and is very attractive. Also produces good music haha
Life goes on
Absolutely nothing!
That's nice ....
He goes alright
Aw well thank you! And depends on who you are anon hahha
Known him for ages and he is such a good bloke. So funny and kind
He is really nice and funny. Good bloke
NO!! You didn't tell me kiss my arse xx
Depends who you are..
I pick myself up and learn from it
I'm confused? Why are you stating your gender to me?
No I'm not a lesbian and thank you for stating I'll be forever alone! He may be great but I can't help it if I don't feel the same way! That's life! People need to move on!
Depends who you are
Huh? Can't you just message me?
Thank you! Well can you please tell me who you are?
Just message me! No harm in trying
Really? ....
I think it's horrible when people go through depression and it's extremely sad when people commit Suicide too! It's not fair! Why should we live a full life when they don't!
Maybe, maybe not...
Message me then ❤️
That's for me to know and you to find out
Awww message me ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Do you? Message me then
No one in particular but I am looking :)
They must have a sense of humour. I like it when they are fun and relaxed and not so uptight. They need to be respectful not just of me but of anyone and very kind hearted :)
Criminology while working in the police force
Most likely any age after 20 but before 30!
My Family <3
Nic is a good friend, he has always had my back and hopefully always will. Daniel is just amazing known him for a while now and he has always been here for me, always makes sure I'm okay and has a greaat sense if humor! :)
Arrogance, rude, self centered, doesnt have a sense of humor and doesnt care or respect women
The twins (Blake and Connor) because they are s funny and awesome, Taylar because she is just perfectly perfect and i love her to bits and same with Cassie <3
Adelaide or Bright
Sometimes I think I should do crystal meth, then I think MMMM BETTER NOT! ;)
Trent is a good friend, he is cheering me up when I am sad and making me laugh, he is always there when I need someone to talk to. And really? I have no idea what your talking about...we are just friends
there is a few people in mind but id rather not say and make a fool of myself.
You are so amazing! Study periods would be so boring without you! We have the funniest conversations and your always so happy and always being so kind! Love ya xx
Considering I hate majority of the kooweerup population, I think its more of a privilege that I don't have to look at yours!
Awwww thank you! Xx
I dont have any...i want to live my life with no regrets!
.... That is the worst song ever written
My boyf Casper is really friendly :)
I have numerous best friends but i love them all because they accept me for me! <3
Cheers babe! xx ;)
Listen to music and ignore everyone
What are you meaning by that? :/
Whatever time it is when I'm tired
Awww thank you!
**** off, your my best friend, your meant to say that to me hahhaha
ugly, probably annoying, occasionally funny
Year 12 is just swell
A cute boyish charm, happiness, smiles, jokes
Disrespect and arrogance!
Losing someone you love!
Where do I begin?! She is amazing, i love her to bits, she is always there for me, she always listens to my annoying rants, she is someone i trust everything with, she is so gorgeous and funny! Love her forever! xoxo
Don't cry nic
She is so cute and funny and very kind! Love her heaps!
I already decided crystal got the 3rd spot!