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Maggie Tatterson


Ask me anything you like anonymously

300 Replies

Does Payton think she doesn't have thin hair?

Why does it matter to you?

maggie_alice replied 4091 days ago



maggie_alice replied 4093 days ago

Impersonate Payton!

I love Nick so much!! I can't believe I'm going out with Nick hogan i love him so much!! It was maggie, I didn't do it, was maggie! YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT ** so innocent and nice around others ** in reality **i hate people, I don't like then, they are ugly ** I hate Ethan! Douggie is ugly! Max is such a cute puppy! My hairs not thin! Don't bit me! No I don't want to sleep in the cubby! No stay at mine! It's not my fault your better than me at tennis! S T O P! No I'm only going to the pole! Ellie is so pretty! I want Emily's hair! Liv is so nice! Ella's so funny! Alyssa is so cute! Steph is so amazing! I hate when there are towels in the bathroom! I have to do the washing! What! I love shots! R A N K! Cruisers are so yum! I love your bathers! Can I wear your clothes! Your clothes are better than mine! Ethan don't take my socks! Can I use your tennis racquets! Why am I so ugly! Your so much better than me! I'm fat! I hate my body! OH MY GOD! Can I eat your salad! I have to go to my nans! **paints nails twice a day** I love scary movies! I have to do my homework! ILL DO IT THEN! I'm never going canoeing ever again! Let's meet up with the boys! My auntie can get it for me! Fine! Turn the lights off! my plan roles over tomorrow! Call me! Let's play a board game! I like it because it's ugly! It's too big! How's life? G'day soldier! I want to go to sleep! NO MAGGIE! I don't want too! I'm not hungry! I'm sorry! Watching TV! I'll come to your locker! Zac Roberts is so funny! Mitch is so nice! Joel is my bud! I forgot my capatilla! Let's match! Close the blinds! I didn't even rub my feet on the carpet! I love the blue pools! I'm at legends! Come with me! I can't! My back is sore! I love this picture! I love this song! I love Jamie Eliot, no I love Louis no I love Nick the most! This is your dressing gown! That would not be bad! I hate my home room! Don't open my snap chats! I like following that many people on Instagram! S M O O T H! I feel bad! That's so mean! The smoke is coming from the ocean! I would love to go to the beach! Y O L O ! Use your earphones! Borrow my toothbrush! HURRY UP! I'm sleepy! Let's go to sale! Let's go out for tea! THAT IS GOING IN THE MEMORY JAR! I'll be over as soon as I have done the washing and cleaned my room! I want to go shopping! L O L ! I'm a transformer rock! I hate my eye brows! I don't even care! I want this! I don't want to hear and more Nelson Mandela quotes! I'll be over in 5 **hour later, call her I am just doing the washing** we have been friends for over a year now, I've been counting down! Stop eating the chocolates out of Ethan's advent calendar! You ask mum and dad if I can they like you more! S U N S H I N E! Can we listen to the script? I love Morgan! 8! *goes 20 hours without seeing each other* I miss you! Ew this smells like you! Merimbula was so fun! Want to go to the pool? I found this! I won't be allowed! I love you xxxx

maggie_alice replied 4095 days ago 5

Thoughts ? xxx lucyfox_xo

Soo pretty, soo nice, such a great person. We have drifted since year 7, we have been through a lot together and had our ups and downs, still a good friends but I would love to be closer. Xxx

maggie_alice replied 4098 days ago 1

thoughts? Xx Ellierose33

One of my bestest friends! So beautiful, so kind an all round lovely child. Love her too bits! <3 xoxo

maggie_alice replied 4099 days ago 1

best friends?

Payton Albrecht, Livinia Ronchi, Ellie Mclaren, Ella Nowak, Emily Waugh xoxo

maggie_alice replied 4099 days ago 1

You and Payton have really long and thin hair

I realised

maggie_alice replied 4099 days ago

I am in love with your eyes x

I hate my eyes.

maggie_alice replied 4104 days ago

Your not the prettiest girl at sion! You are ugly people only think your pretty because you are skinny tanned and have long hair ****ing *****

I take this as a complement :p

maggie_alice replied 4106 days ago

How far would you go with a boy?

Boys have cooties..

maggie_alice replied 4106 days ago

Your the prettiest girl at sion :D xoxoxoxoxoxo


maggie_alice replied 4107 days ago

Your really weird!


maggie_alice replied 4107 days ago

Thoughts on toes?

Well they are quite strange body parts. Although I must say it would be rather different if we weren't to have them. I don't dislike them but I don't really like them a whole lot either. They have their positives and negatives, I am sorry to diss appoint you, if you were looking for a direct answer I can't really give it to you right now as it takes a lot more consideration than you might think. I am going to be a fence sitter and subject of toes.

maggie_alice replied 4110 days ago 3

Who do you hate?

That's none of your business

maggie_alice replied 4110 days ago

You only have like 3 friends now. Know why? Because you are such a ****ing ***** to everyone! So two faced! You like the one day then hate them the next. You use people and talk behind their backs so so much. F u c k i n g mole.

Well excuse me but you are giving me hate because you think I hate? Hypocrite.. If you think I have 3 friends you clearly don't know me.. I don't see how I use people and there are only 2 people I hate and I have very good reasons too. So get your facts rights bub. No one likes rude people..

maggie_alice replied 4111 days ago