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Payton Albrecht



313 Replies


Thanks you too!

paytonalbrecht replied 4093 days ago

Impersonate maggie.

f**, bruu, shut up, your like so totally way cool, just make up your mind, ahh your so annoying, let's sleep in the cubby, Joel's annoying, I hate life, friends?, did you know the smoke was coming from the ocean?, timmmy, can max come in, can we dress smoky in bathers?, SMOKYYY, I hate max, duggy looks like a rat!, call me, poo?, skittle bug?, I'm sorry I killed your bunny, I love hunger games, Louis is amazing, thats your capitilla mines for fluffy!, my capatillas at your house, your family scars me, payton clean my room, there's ants coming out of my PowerPoint, just hit the ball in!, tie them in double nots! Your towels smell funny, hit it back normally!, that's RANK, your RANK, RANK!, don't tell me how to live my life, there's a spider in my room!, officer and a gentlemen is so amazing, let's listen to some soft tunes, that's not funny, met me at the pole, can I eat your chips, ha..ha..ha lol look at my rolls, I don't want to catch up with the boys, feeling like being reckless? ,paytty poo?, what ya doing QT?, this is a serious matter, you'll pull through, sprayten lol, your such a humorous soul, how's life? Sup brosof, wow I was kidding, your turning in to Joel.., I'm at the cricket club, crickets so boring, when do you get back from your Nan's, let's go swimming, let's go to the blue pools, child, that baby is so cute, I love that top, mummy can you buy me this, *wednesday* can I have my weekend money?, I don't want to waste my money, not bad!, don't go to sleep, I'll call you*never calls* , look at my Facebook, I'm a bad person, dats k, witch ones my tooth brush, I ask that every time, can I have a chocolate?don't rub your feet on the carpet, I'll bash you, I hate ethan, Ethan's so annoying, paytty hold my hand, I'm scared, what should I do in this situation, try this on, come in my homeroom, ily all the world up and down and all around

paytonalbrecht replied 4095 days ago 3

any attractive people at sale college? xxxx

Lara and Amy;)x

paytonalbrecht replied 4096 days ago 2

Thoughts on me x LaraSmith

Lara where to begin! Your perfect! So nice, funny and incredibly stunning! We were really good friends but we did grow apart but now we are become friends again and it's great! Miss your pretty face heapsxx

paytonalbrecht replied 4096 days ago 1

Thoughts.. x

Amy your beautiful! Your so pretty and a wonderful person! Your so nice and easy to get along with! Miss being close to you, miss seeing you! Need to catch up xx

paytonalbrecht replied 4097 days ago

Thoughts xxx Gemma.Xx

When we were close you were so lovely and nice! Sadly now I don't know you that well but your really pretty !

paytonalbrecht replied 4099 days ago 1

Thoughts on Liv Ronchi? X

Liv is so amazing! She is so pretty and a all round great person! She is such a nice and generous person and she never says mean things about people! She is just one of those people that you can trust with your life! Liv is great

paytonalbrecht replied 4099 days ago 1

thoughts on me? xx Ellierose33

Ellie you are the definition of perfect! I love your humorous, out going, lovely, cute, crazy, and amazing personality! when I'm with you there is never a dull moment! You always manage to put a smile on my face even when I'm in a bad mood! You are one of my best friends and I love ya Ellie!x

paytonalbrecht replied 4099 days ago 1

best friends?

Maggie Ellie Livinia Ella Emily

paytonalbrecht replied 4100 days ago 2

Declan is creepay

I don know him:/

paytonalbrecht replied 4100 days ago

Your beautiful, from Declan staplehurst xx

Well this isn't Declan, because if it was he wouldn't have put it on anonymous?

paytonalbrecht replied 4100 days ago

Just randomly asking?

Well I didn't do much but thanks for asking:)

paytonalbrecht replied 4105 days ago

What did you get up to today?

Who wants to know?

paytonalbrecht replied 4105 days ago

Payton ... Fat ... (should of gone to spec savers) alyssasutherland

Ahaha you a funny one lyss!xx

paytonalbrecht replied 4105 days ago 2

Are you serious Payton is so skinny u must be blind Ava99

Haha thanks darl!❤️

paytonalbrecht replied 4106 days ago 1