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Something by lights
That I am gay, which I am not I am fully straight. And that I am tough? I've heard that a lot but don't think I am that tough at all ahhaahaha.
I hit.
The amount of people I know who have committed suicide.
Well thank you. :)
Why lol
My weight, and my nose.
Lots of things.
My snake that he was gonna get fed today.
s*ck my teeth at stupid *****es.
Emily, Charlie, Maria, Ryan. To death these people.
I assume this is *exual and I am straight. My preference is boys.
I can't even tell you.
To teleport and speak any language
Telling who people are from far away.
Funny you ask!
Winter would be galavanting in the snow when it's not too wickedly cold, summer would be swimming or camping or staying inside cause heat is not my friend, spring would be just enjoying the beauty, autumn whatever really its not to bad outside.
My amazing dad who travels the country away from us to keep a roof over our head. Thankful that he is home for fathers day.
My last birthday, walked around Sarnia in the freezing cold with my bestfriends and partied a little and my dad came home from work so it was good.
Batman - Joker Assassins - Altair, Ezio Bioshock - Jack Ryan, Big Sister, Spider Splicer, Subject Delta Infinite - Elizabeth, Songbird, Booker, Comstock Uncharted - Sully!
Batman Arkham anything, Assassins Creed, Uncharted, Bioshock and Infinite.
When people knock on my bedroom door and don't say anything.
I would go to Venice, I wanted to go so badly. It is beautiful a beautiful place and I do basically whatever I want.
Probably fruit if it didn't go bad.
Ahahahahah ****. For one of my best friends at a point in time but luckily I am over that.
I don't even remember. Actually the other day when I was really pissed off. I have misplaced reactions to emotion. I cry when I'm mad.
The bull**** of the world. People being meanlessly ignorant and disrespectful. Media and their misplaced focus on celebrities and petty little stories about a 3 legged cat that got stuck in a tree. People who use any excuse to be upset and have pity parties and any excuse to hate instead of love.
Michael Fassbender.
Tapaypay, Tapaper, Tamary, Tamaaara, Tamarda, Tamarzan, Tamayray, Tamaymay, Tamura, Tamaize, Wepeel, God there's so many more. I **** you not, I get a new one everyday.
Simply, until it is my time to go. I do not want a short life, there is so much I want to do and places I wanna see. But I could not live forever I couldn't see everything and everyone slowly die off or outdate.
I have no recollection of this happening.
Not settling with what you want to do and life, doing exactly what you want to do and being completely and utterly content and happy with it.
Laws probably.
What kind of drug is pepsi?
I am almost sure this is Justice but this is the internet and anything can happen.
Android something.
Someone I don't hangout with anymore
A few people
I am not even sure if I have one. I have considerations but not like... crushes, like swooning over anybody.
Out of the ones I've watched this year, not technically msde this year. Bronson. My friend showed me it and it's sick.
I don't know when my first real kiss even was tbh. Probably during a game of truth or dare. :P
My Spaced Out Shirt, Led Zeppelin shirt, and my jeans that fit oh so nicely.
People that never want to go do stuff. People who have closed minds and don't see the amazing things around them. People that won't be weird with me.
I prefer my meat (fish sticks) in the pudding.
I am doing the 100 days of happy challenge now. Check it out and you'll see.
All of it.
I can tickle my lips.
My bestfriend and I are talking again.
The moment in which I realized I control my life, how I feel, what I say, do and want. That my depression and anxiety were not in control of me so I started living the way I wanted and did what I wanted to do from then on and I have never been happier.
First person I had a serious relationship was with Tanner.
Unfortunately, a person.
Hula hooping and math.
Cactus in The Valley - Lights
Emily and Sam Z. They just help me alot.
Don't have one. But if I did, I wouldn't date them if I didn't trust them 100%
I am never on time for anything. I usually arrive 5 hours later than I say I will be there. No exaggeration.
When pretty much any of them b*m smokes n never pay me back.
I have no idea.
That's personal.
oooooooooouh :3 you make always make me feel better I love ya!
Yes I am straight. I like guys. I date guys. not girls.
cell phones, starbucks, and life pretty much.
Such bored
I don't.
Ahaha thanks man:] It could be s l u t t y, b i t c h y, or s h i t t y. I could not give less of a **** though. I just really don't caaare about the negative opinions of others. Also - I have never heard or seen someone use **** stick as an insult, koodos for creativity! :D
I don't know what for. I don't really talk to anyone except like 7 people.
Why so what? All I see is ×××××y?
Acid Rain - Chance the Rapper, Crawl - Childish Gambino, Gods and Monsters - Lana Del Rey, Hoarse by Earl Sweatshirt.
Earl Sweatshirt for sure.
I'll get right on that.
What kind of pokemon are those?
Only date type thing I have ever had was with my ex Tanner, the first time I went to his house he set chairs out in his backyard and wine and we just watched the stars and listened to music and had a fire. It was amazing, the stars where he lives are so much better than here. To this day, sweetest thing anyone has done for me.
Foreign. Is America Foreign? I don't like America. Seems very unappealing to me. Exceot their recent legalizations. Maybe it's just envy.
Watching a movie, who is this? Lol