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Matthew Harvey-Sich


I'll answer absolutely everything, except that..

416 Replies

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose?

Geordie Shore ???

matthew.sich replied 3142 days ago

Tbh on teah

She'll always be my favourite person although we haven't really been in contact lately. I miss her heaps and know that our friendship will always be as solid as steel

matthew.sich replied 3143 days ago

Top 3 favourite girls + boys???

Nah that's tough

matthew.sich replied 3144 days ago

Thoughts on tarni?

She's a sweet girl, pretty kick back and funny. We've become closer again which is a positive.

matthew.sich replied 3144 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?


matthew.sich replied 3144 days ago

Who cares if it was a girl or not, at least he can talk to chicks unlike some guys

Just to straighten things out it was a girl, but yeah nah I don't even talk to many girls... most girls are time wasters so I don't bother much at the moment ? throw some decent girls at me though and I'll be happy ?

matthew.sich replied 3147 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?

C.G in year 7 ?

matthew.sich replied 3147 days ago 1

I like you heaps :/

Don't blame ya ?

matthew.sich replied 3147 days ago

Who was the girl I saw you with at lunch at school?

Yesterday? A mate

matthew.sich replied 3147 days ago

Any girls?

Nah :)))

matthew.sich replied 3148 days ago

What's on your mind?


matthew.sich replied 3148 days ago

What was the happiest moment in your life?

Today when I realised it only takes me about 8-10 minutes in total to walk to the new maccas, order and walk back ?

matthew.sich replied 3153 days ago

Hottest chicks you talk to?

no girls talk to me :((

matthew.sich replied 3163 days ago

When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it?

Yesterday, I went into an exam not even stressing ?

matthew.sich replied 3163 days ago

thoughts on tarni?

I miss being close to her so much, she's one of the funniest and most chilled girls I've ever met and last but not least, she's so prettyyy

matthew.sich replied 3163 days ago