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Maddi DeGrandi


Ask away, I promise to answer!

36 Replies

Maddi, I am going to miss you like crazy when you have to leave - make sure you have skype so I can chat to you and see your gorgeous smile xx You mean a lot to me, and I wish you the best of successes in your new journey.

Aww I am going to miss everyone so so so much too. My skype is missmaddilucy if you or anyone else was wondering hahah. Add me or inbox me your name and I will add you <3

missmaddilucy replied 3865 days ago

So is your whole fam going away Next year??

Nope, just me and the sister.

missmaddilucy replied 3865 days ago

Would you describe yourself as a happy or sad personality?

Happy all the way, I have nothing to be sad about hahah

missmaddilucy replied 3866 days ago

So *exy what are you up to tonight?

Connor, Beans and McLeans 18th :)

missmaddilucy replied 3866 days ago

So can you like not move next year?

Sorry but it could be a pretty long commute :/ I promise I will always love you tho <3

missmaddilucy replied 3866 days ago

Who do you think Addison wants Bill or lloyd? ;) Madslovesvamps

I reckon max #plottwist, but I personally would go Bill because he is a spunk

missmaddilucy replied 3866 days ago

Congrats on the New York offer.
Shame you're a tad too old to star on Dance Moms. Speedie

Thanks mate, Yeah it is too bad, and they already have a Maddi :(

missmaddilucy replied 3866 days ago

Castles or Rain forest? Tiara or flower necklace? Jeweled hand bag or freedom from luggage and responsibilities?

Castle Tiara Jeweled handbag Why do you even want to know? hahah

missmaddilucy replied 3867 days ago

Your left hamstring and back? What do you want to be? An althete?

Ballerina... duh. My Left hamstring is hyper flexible and my back looks good in a leotard :P

missmaddilucy replied 3867 days ago

How aren't you dead yet?

I don't even know...

missmaddilucy replied 3867 days ago

Yo!! I heard about you from a friend who had been admiring you lately, so I ask you this what are the three of your best attributes that has my friend admiring you so?

Haha I'm not too sure. Personally I would say my left hamstring and back are my best attributes but I don't think your friend would think the same because those are weird things to like. So yeah you tell me friend hahaha

missmaddilucy replied 3868 days ago

So does that mean you have to let other people buy the leotards for you?

Yah, Or I could just borrow my bestie who owns all of em.

missmaddilucy replied 3869 days ago

I lovvvvvve you maddiline

Thanks Belly, I love you tooo <3

missmaddilucy replied 3869 days ago 1

When is your next leotard due?

The people at Leotardaholics Anonymous say I need to put off buying another as long as possible

missmaddilucy replied 3872 days ago

Tangerine isn't a colour, it's a fruit isn't it? The leotard is orange

Low blow Jon, low blow. Don't insult my lycra!

missmaddilucy replied 3873 days ago 1