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get a life . ..
all of them max.....
am posed t b axing u tht....
man musamapuse 4th yr guy ine ndidziwa kuti utiyo?b brave and sae the name......
ameneyo nde uti.....
ruth....and ah shld knw hu u r therez only one person hu cals me nancy........
ah thnk u do knw me...
nicholas my dearest hubby u not drinking todae.......
y do ah feel like u myt be ma sister???
somebody ah lurv alot...bwa?z he ur brotha?
sorry wrog person this is mpha....
nde uti?
in a movie.....
gender man dnt u knw bwt t nzakufotokozere...........and am n dating no one
alfred wakenso uti pulz......
wel av never heard of tht...
wel not much buh we link up been busy wt xul lately...
ooooh u saw us?cute...buhhh it noyb......
iwenso nde uti????
those are the three peole wel wt yankho ah stayed wt kuxul ah cnt forget them....ah still do
amakuuzayo paja anawaona bwa?
really?is tht somethng wrth bothering somebody?and any t dsnt make a difference chimodzomodzi,ma bf wtout a car ma ex wt a car zochitika chimodzimodzi..
ooooh u hv some business wt tht????
hehe 265 uuhm.ndaiwala
them?ws thea a previous questn bwt ths?anywae,
ah ordy answad ths.u.hehe favorite dish.
mmmh.leme c.none.oh and wait!bedded me?ah thnk t myt mean alt.
wel ah thnk ah try ma bext nt to.v ah do thn ah do t ah dnt knw
thts jxt how ah ws honestly dnt knw
jap.mahope ogwira
noisy crazy inlove
inbx me.ahl answa