Hu z ur claziest flend?
it has 2 be a blunt of weed..that niga makes me lauf..ahahaha
Akuti umabunyula pasiku katatu ndikuzazisa botolo la cocacola?
actually ndi ka 52 ndipo ndimazazisa ma drum atatu..
Do u have black lotion?
used to buh nw av got a bleach one ****ward
Tidzakulanda2 mkazi uja
zamulandeni ife tizakalanda ena,
Is t true kuti ukamwa mowa umalira?
hehehe..kulira wit happiness'tu.generally!!
Nop buh u mahop tod me dat da only ting amakukana ts coz wen u r walkin 2geda umaoneka beb ndi iwe. Alphillip
ahahaha..zakunsi zako!
Iz it tru dat ndiwe wakuda ngati ink wa black?
u shud av had axd as 'is it not tru that'...u diig
Does t bother u dat u ave a huge as* dan ur mahop? Alphillip
ahahaha...niga uve bin bzy checkn ma as*?wat a homo..
Mula i gat u, u knw dat ryt?
yeah i knw u do mula.:)
Whoz ur 1 n only mula? Lindie19
ofcoz its you lindiwe..who else?haha..bt u owe me remember?..:)
Z it tru tht u are gay?
am actually a lesbeian not a gay..i love girlz,haha..IN UR FACE HOMO!!
sumbdy wit ths ka freaky french name.,amati mignonne kaya haha,u knw her?
Do u mustabate?
you wanna do it 4 me?i cud use an extra hand sumtym,.
Eti unkalira uli form1
i waz 12yearz old you mother*****.,mxii!!!
Is it true that you smoke weed a lot?
weed?..me?..why?.ofcoz its a plant buh why?
Nems of da gals u dated?coz heard u havent
umandifufuza kani...oh thank God i feel alive!!!
Is it true kuti ndiwe ouma?
U a perv, true or truewest?
more than truwest...u perv!
Lyk who?,nems to prove dat wrong?
namez of wat..
Z t true tht u dnt have pubes on ur nutz
yeah!ur mum tuned you?she waz gvn me head sumtym i remember,
is t true tht u n nebert were caught butt****ing
it was actually *********ing vuto lake of being gay every \'****\' u hear u thnk its in the butt,.
z t tru dat u hav neva dated?
i have buh nun of it last long...
who is your ex?
am bad with namez...i forgot her,.haha
Who are you dating currently
uhmm calsberg green,buh i play her with all sorts of liquor..buh shz the 1 i love..
Describe yourself in 3 words?
another bottle please!!
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
that i had bought a hammer...ofcoz i waz abwt to!