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Naomi Summers


3 words. Amuse, Abuse Accuse.

121 Replies

Thoughts :3

You're amazing. I love you so much. You're always making me smile and you're so perfect and beautiful. I miss you so much babe. I'm gonna come up and see you soon. Kay. Kay. Btw I love your dimples. Oh and you ;)

naomi.summers replied 3446 days ago

Thoughts on Chelsea Dennis? x

Ew ;) Nah she's a grouse chick easy as to get along with and a total retard. But she's funny as ! Always out to have a laugh. x

naomi.summers replied 3546 days ago

What do you s*ck at?


naomi.summers replied 3644 days ago

Thoughts on tamika wilson x

Great girl, funny as and easy to get along with! As soon as we started talking we became pretty close. We have a few memory's #babyfistfight but we've drifted heaps and it s*cks.

naomi.summers replied 3644 days ago

You homo


naomi.summers replied 3653 days ago

Do you do drugs?

Pfft no. ;)

naomi.summers replied 3653 days ago

Frankies boss ;)

Frankie legend.

naomi.summers replied 3653 days ago

Would you tuck matot


naomi.summers replied 3653 days ago

Aww Naomi ya cutie x

naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago

Ao you soft ******

I ain't soft!

naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago

Ao you sick *****


naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago

Honest thoughts and tbh on that chick patricia cicconetti

Well, I'm gonna go a little soft kay? Patrick is fecking amazing. She is so funny and easy to get along with! At the start of the year I thought we'd just be in the same class and don't even say a word to each other.. But we actually talk heaps! Have pretty good memory's.. Plan A. ;) she acts like a retard but is actually really funny and has the funniest laugh I swear! She's actually really pretty too, but yanno she is a softy ;) like she makes school enjoyable surprisingly.. Glad I moved to msc or else I wouldn't be as close to her as I am now! Her and I aren't besties though.. I ain't that soft ;)

naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago

What grade u in


naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago



naomi.summers replied 3660 days ago

y r ppl talken bout me on your q me i dnt like it :( ;)

Haha Liam, their just jealous of you're *exiness ;)

naomi.summers replied 3754 days ago