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needle indian ink a lot of tissues bowl of boiled water (cooled) with a teaspoon of salt in it
basically you dip the needle in the ink, do a little dot of where you're going to poke and push into your skin (not too much obvs). you'll feel some resistance and then a little 'pop' sound and the needle will have gone through your epidermis and the ink is in. pull out the needle (there's only like, a spot of blood and the ink should keep it all in anyway) and then i like to re-dip the needle and put some more ink in the hole just to make sure it sticks. rinse and repeat
and Zkstars (i adopted this so i didnt choose the name)
watching adventure time and downloading cycle 12 of antm
okay well i really do find all of it/almost all of it attractive. it varies person to person but i like thighs/inner thighs and bellies a lot
um he sent messages openly mocking me/my beliefs and just a lot of aggravated, unwarranted and unprovoked victim blaming bullshi*.
im saving myself for jesus
no its gaylord
oh god everything have you SEEN girls they are so lovely
personally i dont even have to like someone to sleep with them, i just have to think they're se*ually attractive
hell no
internet fame is an oxymoron. being 'relevant' online means nothing in real life. Do something worthwhile.
its my new perfume, 'dog buns' by chanel
i am very soft it is a pleasant part of being a pudgy lady
my school is full of babes with a capital B but the majority of them are straight D:
aw thanks! i posted a bit late this week (two days late....oops) so sorry
i threw a bucket of water on him and he melted
pon pon dashi*e shina eba i i no
zen zen shinai no askjasldkgjalskdgjlask desu
i hate me too
non existant
ease him into it with just like, scratching/spanking/biting and work ur way up
semen and period blood
im the biggest homo ever yes
I really have no idea, im so sorry. Mine became 'popular' through my already established blog. On my deviantart, for example, i get very little attention/comments/whatever apart from tumblr folks. I'd say just really put it out there and dont be afraid of negative nancies
um yeah we talked a little mainly about casual stuff. It was really casual which was kinda weird but idk
no hablo whatever that is
no, sorry, i\'m actually really sick and have been for the past three days. It s*cks as well cos the theme this week is really awesome :3
lily in miley cyrus' tv show
is this about my biggest kink?
um well basically the one that is essentially my whole se*uality (in regards to males) is probably just being a little loli submissive minx.
the one in my p****
what am i supposed to say to this
that i made out with a hot dog
yes they dont magically disapear unfortunately
omg i really dont know
palmala handerson