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Nikita Kleintjie Kleinhans


Ask or tell me anything you like

40 Replies

Well okay here it is for the best sweetest awsome girl thanks for everything u are so special to me

Hayy! ... Awwww ({}) Ivan! thnx 4 the post ({}) Hay that's what friends are for silly! X

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3554 days ago 1

The best song in 2014 for you ?

Taylor story (:

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3555 days ago

Jy is n goeie vriendin. Nikita. Geseënde Kersfees.

Awww!! Baiie dankii jy ({})... Geseënde Kersfees vjw ook (: X

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3559 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Myyy famiily& friends :) X

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3561 days ago

Hi hi. Vandag was lekker of hoe? Wil eerstens se tnx viri lekker dagi:) en dan wil ek ook by se dat j moet kwaai bly en 'n vriendelike mensie nes jy is. Johnny18

Ello dazoo!! x sal altyd soo n meicii bly moenii jy worry nii;) Psstt x en Angie sam??? Dus nu n gevaarlike diiing =))! hahahaahahahahah=)) yeahh neea omtrent n aweeesome!! :o dagiii ;)

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3573 days ago

Who is your best friend? And what is his/her name :D

PING my op bbm dan sê Ek vjw * (:

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago

Heeeeeeeeeeey Poppie :) just wanted to tell you that you are special and you are amazing :)

Heyyyy kan net raai Wii diiie mensiie is :D My tamatiie ;)!! ncaww;;) baiie dankii jy! ({}) biig ({}) ♡ Xx

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago

Did you past the year in school (Matthew Sueltz :p <3)

Hayy Matthew!! Yeahh I did NATRIC 2015 :d X

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago

Kinta kind bly oulik :p ander kry jy mtmy te doen kay?!! :D
Raii raaii??? My naam begin met n M en eindlig met n A my van begin mt n J en eindig mt n R raii raai :D :p love playing games

Awwwww x sal soo n oulike mensiie blyy ;;) Psst let me guess oew boy I <3 these games..uhh RitZaQ ;;)!!!! I love u;;) <3 Xxx

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago 1

What's you like to do :) (Matthew Sueltz)

Hayy hayy Matthew! :) I <3 playing guitar & singing..

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago

Why you so damn qiet these days hey Ricokid

Ahhh cuzii!!! Hehehe awwww my sooo swiii!! :( Net bqi besiig dii vaca :p But hay onz cht wne ek n kaansiie het ;) X

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3574 days ago

Your Qoohme look a lil bit empty so I thought I'll ask something. Who's your crush?

I don't have one.. (:

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3575 days ago

And who was your best friend

I prefer not to talk about that (: #brings_back-memories (:

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3575 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Well.. I don't have any since mine already happend And I did lost my best friend...

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3580 days ago

Kita <3 x ..

Dis Katy ! Since jy so leka op my Qoohme kan krap :p , kan ek mos op june ook of hoe ?.. Hehe , bly so amazing & onthou net .. Ek's hier vjw neh.

Amazing meisie indeed ;) <3 x KatyKleinkie

Yeah yoou got that one riight Katy!! Ncaw thanx giirl...I'll keep that in mind, psst eks altyd dazo vjw ook Smurfies jou Xx Ek sal altyd blyy soos eka izz Xc

nikitakleintjie.kleinhans replied 3580 days ago