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Patrick Xu


ask me/spam me. always 100% honest

286 Replies

Thoughts? viviaanpham

sorry for not replying earlier.. but anyways, i first met you through jacinta, and you were pretty quiet, you like kpop which is awesome, i saw you with the exo the other at school, that was cool, anyways, you seem like a fun person to hang around, and overall cool person. Enjoy!

patrickxu8 replied 3537 days ago

thoughts on me ?? vadysak

yoooo vady, i use to pronouce your name as van-dy for some reason, now i have changed it, so all goods. you are a fun person to be around, we don't really talk much but that doesn't matter, we could always be friends. i dunno why you kept calling my name out at the party, even if it's just to say hi! overall you have a really fun personality. Enjoy!

patrickxu8 replied 3558 days ago 1

Thoughts on me thanks!! :) iamagoodpersoncough

sup tran, you seem like a fun person to be around with and fun to talk to, don't worry about kicking about, it's the process of getting the lift right. didn't think you were into kpop, but anyways that's cool, we should like talk and stuff, cause we barely talk and yeah. Enjoy!

patrickxu8 replied 3626 days ago 1

You are a great dancer, keep it up man. Are you gonna try to make a career out of it?

thanks for the compliment anon, but i don't think i'll make a career out of it, probably going to keep dancing as a hobby

patrickxu8 replied 3638 days ago

What do you s*ck at?


patrickxu8 replied 3644 days ago

Naruto not in your top ten?

nahh, got bored of it

patrickxu8 replied 3644 days ago

Plug that wire in there mate.

how can you be sure, when you are jacked up on heroin?

patrickxu8 replied 3645 days ago

We're setting up the Gamma Max 2063 V 2.0 Platinum Edition.

we got ourselves an evolution physicist here

patrickxu8 replied 3645 days ago

Top ten anime?

one piece, clannad, clannad after story, angel beats, infinite stratos, chuunibyou, don't really have that many favorite animes

patrickxu8 replied 3653 days ago

Who are you dating?

a special someone, that i love :)

patrickxu8 replied 3666 days ago

Tbh you should really be studying :o joaayton

tbh you should really be studying as well :o

patrickxu8 replied 3684 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?

yes of course

patrickxu8 replied 3685 days ago

Last time you cried?

probably a week ago

patrickxu8 replied 3693 days ago

thoughts on me? laurella

i don't really know much about you, but i'll try my best, back last year before i actually met you i would always see you, irisa and emily together, just talking or doing whatever. to what i am seeing, you seem like an anime fan, we should like talk more often, cause i do see a lot of the times, btw do you like kpop? if you do then awesome. your glasses really suit you, and i really like your long hair. Enjoy!

patrickxu8 replied 3699 days ago 1

kami sama wants posters of... some good looking anime guys though I can't think of any at the moment...

you must give me a list of some good looking anime guys

patrickxu8 replied 3701 days ago