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Rory is really amazing, I've known her for a long time and we've had so many good memories together x
Try again ?
Hah lol casey
Haha okay.. X
art & English/humanities
Well idk
Maddy is so amazing! She is really gorgeous and I love her to bits, we need to become really close friends.
He's alright I guess haha
Gorgeous, an amazing person and I cant wait to go to high school with you this year xxx
hmm idk
iPhone 5c
I wish that everyone in the world was happy and loved their self. :)
is wrong with you fa ggot? :)
um so the heck are you? *****.
idk ask her..
I'm sure they do ! :)
I'll be waiting ;)
to 100 years old. :)
hey Shauna.
yeh, why?
hay courts? x
woah that's so believable
idk. when ever I'm ready and really in love. maybe 23-24
fletcher smith (cough cough Ewh)
idk, food or family/friends.
some where warm, close to friends and family.
Milly Alger, Jamison Murray and mh.
grade 6 Buln...
um abbey, tayla, jamison, haha probably more
your mum. :')
I have no idea :')
idk, most of my class members I want to punch in the face.
i love them both (:
idk tbh :/
well I guess I love everything about Niall James Horan...
you're really strange and funny ( : x
hey ell
she used to be my bestie in kinder
f*****. I'm kidding! you are so gorgeous and hilarious and one of my best friends for sure. ily Ella May Parker (Barbra) <3xx
tbh, I hardly like any boys at my school..
I don't really know him, but some people call him a player.
yeah we do! Xx
um what?
you're really pretty and nice, I've known you for a while because of camps and stuff.
you are so gorgeous and nice and we used to he really close, we should talk more.
umm food friends life.. Idk
Dimity is one of my bestfriends! She's so amazing and pretty and we've know each other for ages. I met her at inverloch, she was my dad's neighbors daughter and when I met her I was so happy to finally have someone, a best friend <3 ily dim xx
Guess what?! Fannyfannyfannyfannyfannyfanny :')
I Don't know. :/
Ssssommmmeeeone! ;););)
No. You are quite normallllizzzrd.
I'm high as hell, I only took a half a pill. I'm on some dumb shiiit. :')
oh no! /:
Ily too anon (:
thanks bby! ;) jk..
Haha. :')
;) enoemos
um okay.. Hah
Ella May Parker.
Hey ell ;)
Yeah. No.
um.. I don't think I kno you.
Usally take it out on someone or something like punch a pillow.
Wow. 1. For cancer to not exist 2. For my nan to be alive again 3. For everyone to be happy. sounds cheesy but it's true.
aw thanks bell x but that's you! <3
That I have really good friends. (:
Mel, you're so gorgeous and kind, you are so funny and you always make me smile, I can't wait to go to the same school as you next year xxx <3 you're amazing.
Aw that's sad. This is Shauna Wellings right...?
Who's dis? (:
Love you jade Mia Pratt xox <3
Jade Pratt is the most amazing person. Shes not ugly! She's gorgeous! All the boys want her ;) you've got to be blind. Seriously! She's so kind heated and I always feel so nice and loved around her. We've had so many amazing times together and I'm lucky to call her my best friend. She always makes me smile when I feel depressed. She's the one that makes me laugh when I don't even want to laugh. When you get to know her... She's like a drug you get so addicted to her and you want to spend so much time with her. She's the definition of perfect. Who ever said that f u. You've got to be crazy.
umm 10.30?
No wtf!
Hah Davie and yeah.
umm idk. :')
hah wow.. *looks on phone*-"JAAAAAACKKKK!!!!!" "Mah milkshakes bring all da boys to da yards.." *does really hilarious double chin* *talking in class*- "I MISS JACK" "ME AND JACK KISSSSED!" "guys.. I think I'm pregnant.." *twerks*
uh.. *stares at me in class, does her retarded wink* *does double chin* "HEHEHE"(creepy voice) "ITS NEARLY THE WEEKEND" *twerks on everyone* *tries to sing 'baby got back' but fails badly* (: xx
haha *sings really strange things while I'm recording* "your boooty is delicious" *sends me 200 double chin pictures on snapchat* *stares at me in a rapist face until I notice* *whispers- "raape" in the 'batman' voice* *hugs me and secretly licks me* hahaha ily jade. xox