Prince Kaybee Ryann
Who are you currently dating ryt nw?
So is zamile QC king ur wanna b GF
Yes thats me
You could have told me that earlier but its fine i can wait thursday it is
Call me or inbox me, I'm clueless
Where do you want me to come now? I am at the garage
Infact I'm very busy now, lets make it next week thursday or friday morning around 06:00
Give me 15min can you meet me @ garage?
TJO!!! thats far
I will come see you now are you home?
Yes I am
You making a joke out of this and im realy not impressed but hey it's fine we will do it and that i promise you
Ok I'm serious, if you are serious make a first move
Why would i joke about something like this? I want you and that is that
Ok, call me when you are ready and I bring my camera phone, rubbers and prison warder uniform
I love you and i want to do you, when are u giving me the chance?
You must be joking right?
Wat turns u on.....nd which gal ws da best kisser 4 u
Kissing turns me on, Tumi from Yfm she is best kisser, I still think of her kisses lol
Who is your facebook crush?
Margaret Grace