Zachary Stephens
Why are you so lame ??
me lame? ***** I'm fresher than you'll ever be
Your girlfriend is *exy mali3001
Oh yes she is heheh
who r u dating ??
Mali <3
Haven't talked to you properly in a long long time, miss talking to you all the time. Such a great girl and very nice and funny and amazing to talk to, trust you with a lot! c:
Girls you had crushes on in primary school?
wanna fight mate because i will punch you!
I don't want your gayness
Kianna you're **** k
Lol you hoes be jealous that I got zach and you's don't :p mali3001
Mali <3
You hoes be jealous that I got zach and you don't! :p mali3001
your handsome, dont forget it
Thanks :3
date me
I'm taken by mali <3
Justin, Sean, Brooke, bec & Charli & holly, :)
Are you for real or like just kidding?
For real :p
Do you have a girlfriend?
Yessss, mali
Would you date a 13 year old
not if she isn't turning 14, but id rather someone who's my age, :p
Already am yours ;) :*
Describe your perfect girl?
a girl that can make me happy, who's affectionate, shorter than me & well who is mine & only mine.
What do you mean caseys not magic?
she said she was magic to me and well she's not only I am :p
probs not, zoos are boring soz
tbh casey and kahlia
casey- is nice and funny, but she's not magic so um & v attractive, kahila- good to talk to & nice and v attractive :)
Tbh on the best Mali Thompson
Maliiiiiiii, omgggg, best girl, best everything, v attractive, amazing to talk to, beautiful girl inside & out, can't wait to see her sometime! can talk to her for ages and about anything
attractive girl, v nice & trust you alot
Are you like obsessed with Brooke noonan
just good friends ahahah is that not okay with ya?
Lol how you brought your followers on Instagram :')
bought my followers? lol I'm following like 1111, so you'd expect me to get 600 or whatever I have yeah? **** head
Did u get that one I just sent I can't tell
I didn't? How about you message your name and I'll delete the question and won't answer?
If I say this u can't telllll anyoneeeeeee promise and don't give out the name just inbox me cause u will know straight after I say this
Just inbox meeeee!
It is out of a b c.. Ok but it isn't Casey. I'll give u another clue?
anotherrrrr, and are you in my year level?
Well just saying it's not whoever this Casey is .. I told u I hardly talk to you ..
Look just tell me the letter ? :)
Who's casey
A friend haha
Does she go LSC
yeah hahah
Who's the last 20 people you have inboxed ?
that's heaps of people, just give the first letter away?
I think you should know who I am now .. Or atleast have a clue...
are you my age or older?
U think I'm pretty apparently.
were you in that hottest girls list or?
Well i go to LSC
my age or older?
Hahahahaha who the f@uck just wrote tht fingering **** omg it's f@ucking grotty
that'd be my best mate
Haha think about this .. Here's a clue. We have talked a couple of times on Facebook in the last two or so weeks c:
I've talked to a lot of people haha, keep goingggggg
Ur cute, hot, funny, nice, tall , caring and ur smile is like omg the cutest thing ever.
aw c: inbox me!!
And I never wrote that inappropriate stuff what someone just wrote .. Kinda gross
I know who wrote it hahah,
... Well yeah.
ummm, I have no idea omg :(
When you sliver your fingers into my **** i breathe so heavily it feels like I'm haveing a seziure when we talk I get wet and tbh i play with my self ;33
well then..
One of the first letters of the alphabet .. Can't give it out though because then you will guess it like quick as and I'll get embaresseddddd xxxx sorry cutie
a, b, c, d, e, any one of them??
Zac you f.ucken chick magnet
I love you too
Message a couple of girls on fb :D and I'll tell u if one of them is me
nah it's awkward if I get the wrong one, first letter of your name?
Nup can't happen because u won't go out with me I don't think :,(
just give me clues plssss
Nah u wouldn't guess it because we hardly talk
give me cluessss
U will find out sooner or later <3 <3
give me cluessss <3
Top 10 hottest at LSC
no order but, casey, kahila, latia, fiona, rebecca, Charli, bree, Justin, Bryden & Sean
You eyes tho <3 <3 <3 <3
whossssss thissss
Soo I have a BIG crush on you but I don't know how to tell you because it's too embarressing... But I really wanna know what u thank of me....
Go on?
Describe your type of girl physically..
Not too picky, can have curves, can be skinny.. shorter than me & tanned, doesn't bother me if she isn't though, I'm all about the personality
I think I deserve a cookie
U do
Girl you want to be close with
A few
You are quite cute xx
Thanks xx
Prettiest year 7, 8, 9 , 10 at LSC gotta only pic one for each quicklyyy
7 don't know, 8 don't really know.. 9 casey, 10 Latia
How many gf ya havee. Are ya self singlllleeeeeeeeeeee
Single :)
You're mint *_*
What turns you off in a person ?
Acts dumb all the time, can't keep a conversation up, snobby.
Don't be silly protect ur w i l l i e XD
your a poo face
kianna ur face is poo
Boy best friends
Justin, Rhys, Bryden