Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Not on instagram atm, but why should I?
Sorta,not that close anymore I guess
Okay then?
Please you just wish I did it to you?
I’m Jamaican,don’t you ever wonder how fast usain bolt is at $ex because he runs so fast???❤️
I got dropped on my head at 7 months old and I’m even smarter???
Thank you?dm me?
Your such a A$$??one beautiful annoying A$$?❤️
She’s does this tongue thing and I’m jealous??
My qooh me link is on my bio??
Because you spamming??oh well?
Had to delete it
I’m outta everyone’s league fiona?and so are you you so we gonna go to Jamaica?❤️
I’m also bored hey?btw who’s me? I like that name?
Ask me that one more time and turn you over a balcony?just pm?
Your a rash but thanks for that?❤️I understand that not everyone is fanny like us?they have dry sense of humors like their dry balls?
Um they tell me a lot of personal sht and that ain’t something I’m telling a Stranger?
Why’s everyone asking this?
Well it’s brae and Kendra so I’m gonna make them “one”.....Brenda?
Well I have a story about one of my old best friends....she broke her arm running up her driveway and I missed it???
Well your just a rude little btch aren’t ya?
Eh,who is this?
Replaced her with who because I wouldn’t do that,get your own life together and stop worrying about me??
What kind of question is that??of course I will
Wouldn’t you love to know?
Swish swish mean it like that right??❤️
Love you too who ever this is?❤️❤️
I ammm just wait your mother fcking turn?
Pffft no??❤️
She’s in grade 11 and I feel like I’m only know. Around the school because of her?
Well why make that my problem??❤️
Will you piss offf??❤️
Someone who’s important?❤️Not you tho?
omg I think I just saw you selling avo’s on the road???❤️
Oh well not my problem your the first person to hate on me in 5 years?
Hey me,it’s zaylee the talking tree?❤️Who is this???
I DON’T!!!!
Kendra’s the only oger I know,please tell me it’s her?❤️
More than me??
Oh hi there,I’m zaylee “the supposedly looking tree”??❤️
NO!!!!i simply just find him one of the very attractive matrics?❤️
Nah just think he’s cute?
That English tho?❤️Love ya,whoever this is?
I said make it weird and interesting not to get involved in my love life?
Your anonymous?how will I know you?♀️
I do still talk to her we’re just not close friends anymore but besides you shouldn’t be so bothered on who I’m friends with?
Brett manning?❤️Neela Walsh would understand why?❤️
Hannah Whitaker,she’s the funniest when shouting at people?I’m gonna be a bossy prefect?
You AGAIN?❤️I just spoke to you?❤️
I really don’t,sorry❤️
Didn’t have one because I knew we’d just drift apart once it comes to highschool,but considering amy rust and I were best friends I’d say her?♀️Idk
Not sure
Please dm me xx
I got two?
Having no irritations around me
Too many amazing words to describe about me?
Only have 2?Kendra and brae?
Ummmm alright?❤️
Oh no the worlds gonna end?❤️Hey man❤️
Who taught you English?Satan??
Youuuu?❤️Sorry don’t know you??
I can’t know you if you don’t tell me your name?so just message me like a normal person would?
You should know my instagram?otherwise she tell me who you are since that’s impossible for you?
Music,make this more interesting?
should I know?♀️DM me?
Cassandra Blackbeard,new her since I was a baby?
I have a lot,but my two closest I would say is Kendra and brae?
a message?
We don’t talk much but she’s great
There’s to many things I need to say about the angel❤️?other than her being my oger,she’s really sweet and she does a lot for me,but I don’t like when she cry’s
Oh my little daisy the cow?,she’s the funniest?
Aww man she’s one of my best friends so I think she’s great