where do you see ptp mike and el in the future? (careers, kids apart from daisy, just life in general?) im so curious i love them lolol

i think what i see for them is that w mike having his own therapy office where he specializes as a youth therapist, he’d eventually get a partnership with non-profit foundations for youth mental health. el on the other hand stays atop of her position as a top architect, even cooperating w different companies for her great work ! a successful couple indeed (;

aside from daisy, i see them having a son by the time daisy’s five years old. as much as daisy is the love of mike’s life, having as son def healed his inner child bc he gets to treat him and raise him in a way his parents never did for him. (:

and ptp mileven. . . they r the same as u know them. utterly in love, adjusting to life, growing as ppl, raising their sweet children, falling more & more in love day by day, dancing without music, intertwining their tattooed pinkies at night, never having a dull $ex life ever 😜 & keeping up w their friends as much as they can in their hectic adult life

they reconnect to holly and nancy & their kids grow up knowing and loving their aunts (:

they collect infinite “happily together now’s” probably. . . forever <3

filevenswh0re replied to wolfhardsbb 159 days ago
1 1
wolfhardsbb I LOVE THIS SO MUCH <3.

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