ptp question- there r mentions of rebecca, mikes ex, rebecca, though their backstory is never explained even though el wanted to ask mike about it since he was being vague about her and she got curious. i have the same question as el haha

ohh i guess i never elaborated bc it’s truly just as mike said “it just didn’t work out”

they were hooking up for a while (fwb kinda) and since they were around each other a lot bc they were sleeping together, they decided to give it a shot at dating. however, mike just rly didn’t feel anything at all (romantic) towards her & he tried a while to convince himself that he liked her but his feelings have never gotten there. cue to a couple months later, he didn’t want to waste her time anymore and broke up w her

(guess u could say his mind was still a little on the girl he swore he hated. . .)

filevenswh0re replied to wolfhardsbb 155 days ago

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