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Rachel Cunningham


fluffing ask me some questions

491 Replies

What's under your bed?

Probably Katie she's pretty creepy

rachel.cunningham replied 3248 days ago 1

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

Become friends with katlyn

rachel.cunningham replied 3262 days ago 1

Describe your life in 3 words

Katlyn Anderson s*cks

rachel.cunningham replied 3269 days ago 1

Why should people love you ?

Because I'm me

rachel.cunningham replied 3272 days ago

What is the greatest thing about being single ?

More time to hang out with Katie

rachel.cunningham replied 3274 days ago 1

What's missing in your life ?

Vodka and katlyn

rachel.cunningham replied 3279 days ago 1

Is your year going great ?

Suppose, would be better if Katie left me alone

rachel.cunningham replied 3281 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?

Just better than how kt treats me

rachel.cunningham replied 3285 days ago 1

Rate yourself out of 10

Me? 100 katlyn? -100

rachel.cunningham replied 3289 days ago

Thoughts xx ReneeAndo

I think so very highly of you, you're like a little sister to me, except that I always forget your younger haha. You're just so great to talk to and i can always have a good giggle with you. You and kt may as well be twins because I spend as much time with you as I do with her and I love that. Love you nai xxxxxxxxxxxxx

rachel.cunningham replied 3290 days ago 2

What type of people bore you ?

Katie Anderson type of people

rachel.cunningham replied 3295 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

Nothing I only hate Katie

rachel.cunningham replied 3299 days ago

What do you want right now ?


rachel.cunningham replied 3301 days ago 1

Are you a selfish person ?


rachel.cunningham replied 3306 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Katie and everything

rachel.cunningham replied 3322 days ago