Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
All of them pretty much haha, especially the soloists - they were the ones i heard, and all the soloists in newsies, spring awakening, madame guillotine, ragtime, all of them had such great strong and powerful voices! I am a s*cker for a good tenor :')
Don't really have an opinion on him at the moment
Super talented!! Will be good to see him at Starbound again next year :)
Don't know this girl either hah
Don't actually know who this is ...
Never really spoken to him but he seems nice enough
Great company and a great performer! He will certainly do well in life! Such fun too :)
She is so so beautiful! She is one of the kindest people I've ever met and she is ridiculously talented! Love this girl x
Never met her or spoken to her but I've seen that she does a lot of shows and I've heard she has a lot of talent :)
She is such a darling! So so lovely and talented and absolutely gorgeous to be around xx
ummmm i dont even know who doesnt do yabc anymore! i definitely think all the gala singers though were beautiful and so so talented - all of them were incredible
wouldnt mind me some channing tatum
dont have thoughts on him
couldnt do the hours they wanted cause of school
Not this year
done this
Honestly i dont remember who's in senior-inter and who's in inter. I get them confused!
I think that this year there will be a lot of singers promoted - they promoted a lot of dancers and it seems like a lot of triples singers are getting too old and maybe having to leave, i think that would be their plan. honestly im not even sure who can sing! i missed the singing assessments so i havent heard many people. BUT it will be interesting to see early next year :)
haha aw thanks :)
Whoever you are you are wonderful, thank you
i like to think its both haha but yeah ive been taking lessons for years :)
theyre managers lol theyre way too old
of course
haha lol no i actually dont even remember half the people i ever met at kfc - who are you thinkning about cause obviously youve got someone in mind
I dont know probably simon gleeson :') (namedrop that **** #starbound10)
dont get the question?
well i think there are so so many great dancers in each of the groups that i want to cry. like jordie and his turns every 5 seconds at wizard were like omfg and then definitely all the dancers put out the front of all the group numbers who look amazing (like grace cislin!) and yep i appreciate dnacers so much if i could dance my life would be so great
dont have a boyfriend, so im gonna have to say no
EVERYONE! especially the people i got close with as the show went on. but honestly everyone in both casts its so great to run into them in the world outside footloose - i had so much fun with everyone i hung out
Best people?! I love my girls that i hang out with but there are so many funny and super great people :)
Honestly i dont even know whos in which group! But any of the kids ive met through wizard and alice were all super lovely - from inter and senior inter :)
This is semester number 3 :)
well done for finding my tumblr. and that post is old haha i dont have anywhere near enough confidence for that so probably not going to happen anytime soon
Haha they're never goin to send it it doesn't matter what I say :p
Haha sure
Aw thank you so much! Your too kind xxx
Senior show chorus :)
I'm in senior show! I am terrified! Hopefully after this week I won't be quite so afraid haha :( thank you so much though :) xx
i can only imagine
Please message me then! i'd love to get to know some new people xx
Wish i could thank you properly! xxx
that is good advice, thank you for sharing! I'll make sure to keep that in mind :)
thank you very much! I've done the best i can and i really appreciate you saying this xx
Thank you very much! This is very reassuring :) I've been so stressed out and i will be super stressed when i get there friday BUT this is kind and i really appreciate it x
I'll do what i can and hopefully this works out! :)
I'll do my best! I just dont want to feel like i've got hardly any friends :( thank you though lovely xx
well i'll sure as hell try not to do that, doesn't mean that things ive done in the past wont come back to bite me on the as*
I am beyond worried, i am absolutely terrified. I am so nervous about what the people i do know will think and say, and what the people i don't know will hear. I am literally terrified that everyone will hate me and the most horrible thing is that there is the chance of that happening. I've wanted this for so long and now that i have it i can't be more afraid of it.
Thank you:)
No, ive never felt the need to or the desire to. I've been able to cope without that as an outlet
Well for one that's absolute bull**** as they don't connect in the slightest. Secondly I have no reason to describe this to you so guess what, I'm Not going to :)
Nope, not that I've heard
Aw thank you xx
Amazing, I love her!
A secret
Nice typing
i'm only in company, i can't get promoted to trips before i go to show but the promotions havent happened for people going into show as far as i know. if i get anywhere i'll find out this week!!
its got a huge hoop under the skirt!! its big an sparkly :D
Don't you know the story! She is pretty much Dorothy's guardian angel in the musical :) it's very fun I love the costume too haha
best year so far would have to have been this year. this is the first year i havent been stressed, i havent been feeling terribel about myself and i actually feel like im in control of everything its great
oz is doing great! we have officially finished all the show and now we have to run it! amazing for 5 days of rehearsals! im glinda but im also in the ensemble :)
hah um i dont have thoughts on him, i have nothing to do with him anymore
all of them! they are all so talented and wonderful people. i admire all the triples ive met through the wizard of oz, they've each taught me so much, and all the others ive met through outside productions like camp rock. if i had that much talent i would be over the moon, i am so jealous of them all :)
I'll see if I can :)
I just renamed it
I love all the senior show people in the wizard of oz, they're all very lovely!
Haven't heard anything yet! Hoping to find out good news next week
Those are private matters which I will not talk about on here obviously
I dont have a perfect guy or girl. there is no one set of ideas i have that i hope someone will fulfill because you can never know what will happen when you meet someone. i adore my boyfriend but i never knew i would end up here with him when i first met him. he is not perfect but neither am i, how could i expect him to be? as for my perfect girl... its exactly the same. i have no preconceived ideas
i disagree majorly with this. i havent got the creativity or the language ability to write songs that i would be happy to sing and release as my own. i expect too much of myself. and i dont believe i have the voice to do that kind of music either. i suppose you wouldnt know much about this because ive never really written any music and released it, nor have i been singing much pop stuff these days for anyone to hear... but it really is not my element at all, it isnt where i feel comfortable or what i absolutely love to do. i love to do music theatre and i believe i am capable enough of being able to pursue it with a little more training and discipline.... sooo im going to try that beacuse why wouldnt i give what i love a go :)
well yeah ive only been with my boyfriend but i am certainly still interested in girls so i dont believe it was a phase at all, i believe im bi*exual
i prefer legs most days
well i dont really think so because there would be no desire for "*ex" because it wouldnt exist! (i dont know how they reproduce) and no beacuse there are no ****s around the oceans for her to give them to haha
ummmm off the top of my head no, i think everyone did spectacularly in their roles and i couldnt think of anyone better in the cast who could have done it as spectacularly :)
That's actually a hard one to pick! I'm gonna say a bear because I've gotten good at dodgeball through working at bounce and I might be good at dodging! I'm also a pretty fast runner
Oh that was a good one -.-
haha thank you? and well don't hold your breath love!
he is still my boyfriend and as far as i know we couldnt be happier (cue wicked music omg)
Senior Company AM :)
Wow what? i adore my boyfriend and i will not let anything destroy that, i just want to understand the people in my life.
yeah but i want to know what your talking about and who it is. just because i want to know the person's name doesnt mean it will evolve into anything, i wouldnt do that
Haha thats an interesting thing to say... your welcome to inbox me if you like???
hah thank you, i didnt know cute still applied at 17 :p
No i wish!! I'm still in senior company as of right now because the other offers havent gone out yet as far as i know (only the triple promos have) so im hoping for the best but i would be happy with anything :)
Aw thank you so much! xxx
no, since i have a boyfriend and have had multiple in the past i thought that may have given it away ;)
Haha why on earth would you want that!
Nah i only had the time to see cast A's performance
I did! I thought that Maddie H did amazing as motormouth and the rest of the principles were really good at their roles too, it was good casting :) the ensemble was also adorable too!
yeah i am and im not sure i havent gotten the email yet which could be a bad thing but i dont care haha as long as i know before the show goes on all is goood :)
God knows I love them all I don't have a preference :)
Lovely girls
No one who's still there
i cant say i had favourites. everyone was so wonderful all the time. I did love jaz though, she was such a joy to have around