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Sam Murray



252 Replies

Best compliment you ever received ?


samfat replied 3428 days ago

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

Baggy trousers bloke

samfat replied 3463 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?


samfat replied 3471 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Didn't s*ck, but spy didn't live up to my expectations

samfat replied 3477 days ago

Why are you such a fat ****?

Go work at maccas douche canoe

samfat replied 3490 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

Ash so she can carry my golf clubs around the course

samfat replied 3494 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

10 minutes

samfat replied 3497 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?


samfat replied 3498 days ago

hot year nines? upwey

Tehehe no one

samfat replied 3498 days ago

5 turn ons and turn offs in a girl?xx

Turn ons Not a **** c.u.n.t Smells casual Dynamite golfer Smaller than me somehow And can enjoy scrubs Turns offs Is a s.h.i.t **** Smells like a wet dog **** golfer Taller Hates scrubs

samfat replied 3499 days ago

Thoughts on eden g xoxo


samfat replied 3499 days ago


Thanks I guess

samfat replied 3509 days ago

What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?

You wouldn't want to know

samfat replied 3578 days ago

The last thing you bought ?


samfat replied 3583 days ago

what did I do to you :")

Hey caitlin hru

samfat replied 3583 days ago