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Ask me anything you like anonymously.

112 Replies

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

A random person who sent me a friend request. It went smtn like this
Do I know you ?
No but when i saw your photo i felt we have a \' deep \' connection
see what i did there :D

saumya_blank_ replied 4346 days ago

Are you clingy?

If i like you a lot, and consider you a close friend, i\'ll probably cling a bit. If you\'re just an acquaintance, i\'ll just be nice, smile, and stick to my own business

saumya_blank_ replied 4346 days ago

But I've never heard you sing !! :O

You\'re lucky then :p

saumya_blank_ replied 4346 days ago

But what if you did ? Who would it be ? And forget about their gfs just answer if they dint have gf, who would it be ? I'm not writing a novel I jus wanna know

If you really \' jus wanna know \' , it would be none of them. I\'d probably rather date a polar bear. (:

saumya_blank_ replied 4346 days ago

Awww <3 Then I love you too :*

Yay :$

saumya_blank_ replied 4346 days ago

If your second wish were to be fulfilled, then there wouldn't exist any bad in the world. People would forget to value the good, as good would be everywhere.
What do you think about this?

What I think about this is that the value of good doesn\'t matter. Things will still be going right.
When you eat or breathe, you don\'t really give much value to it cuz its a very normal thing, but it still keeps your body working and life continuing
So that\'s what I think about the non existence of bad, my second wish (:

saumya_blank_ replied 4348 days ago

Saumya Singh why u no sing? :P

Arrey I do sing. I sing all day. In the corridors, in the clas*, in the bb court, in the car, at home, at tuition, on the road, at the restaurant, and whatever other place you can think of. I\'m also secretly a rockstar in my bathroom B-)

saumya_blank_ replied 4348 days ago

How many of your friends do you trust with your life and who are they?

Trust is a luxury that I am not entitled to have (:

saumya_blank_ replied 4348 days ago 1

Imran khan and vineet bhatia. Two of your closest friends. You're so close you might even end up dating one of them one day. Who would you rather date out of these two?

Oh god x_x
That\'s exactly what they are. Two of my closest friends. They are undateable creatures. Atleast for me
Stop as*uming things about other people\'s lives. Its as if you\'re trying to write my life story as a love novel :o
So my answer is none of them. Too bad *shrugs*

saumya_blank_ replied 4348 days ago

You're give very diplomatic answers and never lose your cool. How do you do it? :O

Reaction : hahahahahahahahahahaha
Answer : magic ;)

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago

If you had three wishes and wishing for any more was not allowed what would you wish for and why

Nothing. Maybe some random food. And maybe that 11th and 12th grade get cce so that atleast future batches can have an easier life. And maybe for the non existence of all qualities like greed and selfishness in humans. I said nothing but listed 3 wishes anyway. I hope that answered your question :p

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago

Would you rather eat an apple or an orange?

I like this question :o
And the answer would be apple. Because I don\'t like both, but orange makes my throat pain. And apples are known to make you less sleepy. Apparently even more than coffee :o

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago

You like selena gomez songs?? I no longer love you!!! :(

Hahaha awww. I\'m sure that if you ever loved me, I still love you :* irrespective of your choice of musicians ;)

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago

Not necessarily to the point of being similar to somebody else or emulating them. Just to the point for self improvement in any matter whatsoever.

Is this related to something ? :s

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago 1

Describe your idea of an "ideal job".

MY idea of an \' ideal job \' is be happy doing what you do. Not as in be content with what you have; its always good to aim for more, but love your work, enjoy it. I would hate it if I was stuck in a job I don\'t have fun doing

saumya_blank_ replied 4349 days ago 1