Sianii Posthumus*
So sian britney told me everything an do like her and are u still friends with her and are u mad at her:D
Yeahh we Friendzz :D & no I\'m not mad? :/
Hi u r awesome stay that way
Thank youu ({}) :\'D
Sian Mom said you must come down stairs and record her program , this is the only way I can get you too read messages ! *JBMMS *
Oh.. Sorry Morgz :D will come now :) xxx
Sianii .. :'(♡!! I miSs u so much its unbelievable .. Your so *amaZing* .. Durban is extremly lucky to have u ;):D♥ .. LuvZ* u,!* ~ Biscuits;)
Aaaww :\'( thank youu Biscuit :\'D Miss you too :( LovieezZ you too :D
Sianii , Us people in Jo'burg miss you ! :'(
Come back !!!
Aaww Miss you Guys too :(
Hello choppie......
How are you?? Hws durbz.... Vewi cold me knw **brrrrrrr**..... Hws H.S ??
Stacks of love n hot chocolate
Heyy I\'m good thanx :D you? & yeah it is cold :( & its going quite good hey :P urs? & thank you xxx
Hey :P miss you lots and lots :( Love you angel Danii ♡(: xxx
Aaw :\'D Miss you too angelface <3 Love you Loadzz (:
Ynwa , little Brazilian is mine we getting married on the 10th of October ( 10/10) :D
Ya ya Cayla :P & that`s clever ne ;) & yeahh now Agger & Suarez are mine ;)
Luuuurrrve u ♡ ♥
:P who is this?? :D
Hey sianni...I'm a lesbian....can u go out with me plz...I no u are hot and se*y...mwah gul
Uhm ok.. :| go be lesbian to someone else please
Who do u always talk to on BBM
People :D
!!!:0 :D?????
OMG cameron.. :| :D
Who's the guy that treats you the nicest ????? ....... And would you ever come back to Jozi
Uhm not sure hey :) & uhmm its a long story :P ping me on bbm & ill explain :)
Hi Morgan really ur twin...
Yeahh :D we sisterzzz/twinnies :D
Dylan who?:|
Dylan Reuben,, :P
WUL at the moment ........ Tell the truth ♡ ♥
I\'m not sure hey.. :P
Who's the besterest llamacorn in the world? (: xx
Dylan :D :P \\m/
Are you seriously Enelas friend or is it just a backup plan for incase Morgan leaves u?? Soooo WHY u ENGLAS FREIND!!!!!!!
Wow ok.. Calm down :| & I\'m engela\'s friend because she\'s actually fun & I think you just jealous.. & no its not a backup plan incase morgan leaves me.. K? So please go be a Bit** somewhere else.. & tell me who you are
Hi sian guess who this is
Once again..yes because I have superpowers.. I don\'t freaking know!!!! :|
I`m sorry,I was Wrong
Wrong about what?:(
The Possession is a scary movie hey!
Omf yes!!!! :O Anyone feel like staying awake with me for the next week?? :|
Heyyy :D Who am I?
Because I have superpowers.. How the hell am I supposed to know :|
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Who's behind your nose?
Oh wait its you :D
Uhm ok?? :D amazing poem you got there ? :D :|
Why do you support a team like liverpool? :|
First of all,, Liverpool is spelt with a capital L ;) & because they the best team ever!! :D you probably just jealous because they better than ur team ;)
I'm your stalker.
Well that\'s not scary at all :|
Omg I\'m so touched :`)
I wish we were still best friends like we were :( </3
Aaww :( PING!!! Me? :\'(
Aweee do you have facebook? (:
Yeahhh Sian Posthumus :)
Can you sing?? :D
In my world I can ;)
Why you so weird? :|
Because being normal is boring :) :P \\m/
Drama, lies, tears.. Cheerz to the Teenage yearz! Our favourite quote :D xx
Thats what your dad called your mom after you were born ;)
What's ur favourite music?
Dj\'s, House, Reggae.... Most of the music on Trace ;)
Do yuU live in durban?
Yeahh I Doo :)
Chelsss was here!! I just wanna say I'm missing your crazy chopness !! And that you better not be loving durbz better than JHB !! Oh well stay awesome u future Victoria Secret Model!! Lol love you ang :)xxx
Loll OMG I miss you my sisterr, love you Loadz!! Thank you so much :) xx
Do u like being the prettiest gul in the....and being the most liked.......and btw...were voted the prettiest gul...
Haha aaww Thank you :) x
Hi's high skwl so far....4 u
Its nycc hey :P except for the learning & tests part... But ya :D & yours?
You got pretty big t*** for a gr8 ey ;)
Uhm.. Ok.. ?
Do u like me as a friend kimoshni
Of course :P
So how's life
I\'m still living :P you?
Give me names of friends starting with 'K'
Uhm why?..
I heard u keen for cam is it true?? :);)
Don\'t put words into my mouth,, K? :) & tell me where you heard it from,
Are u enjoying durban
Yeah thanx :) just miss everyone in Joburg.. :\'(
Do u like me as a friend
Well I don\'t exactly know who you are.. :)
Hey me friendie
Hw you...!! hws durb..... Are you a durban nite yet?? =)) lyk me?? :p
Lotz of love
Kerona <3
Haha yes kerona you chop :P Xx
Heyyy my vetti susi hehe mis jw soooo bje neh hehe wl kom koffi drink tjomma haha:p j mut jw weki genit en groete stur vr jw fami oky lvj bje sussie **Monna**;)
Hehe hey Monna :D mis jw sO bja!!! En haha ja ek sal oor sO 6 ure daar wees :D en my ma en pa is mos in Mauritius maar ek sal vir hulle sê,, stuuur ook groete daar, mwa xxx LVJ#
Come back tooo joburg!! Like honestly I'm missing you so much and my Saturday mornings just arnt the same!!! Like seriously!! Come back!-banx xx :*
Haha Thank you Banxx :* one day you gonna become a supermodel then you get to live down here with me :P xxx love you lots
Y did u choose jordan
-_- look down
Y did u choose jordan
My Decision :P & its a long story :) ping me on bbm & ill tell you
Sian ! Come back to jozi :| We need you :( hahaha weed rhymes with need :D You still owe me my lasagne - I don't forget about my food -_-
Love you loadZ
Bye Dylan_J
Haha nice Dylan :P & ill bring it to you when you come here :D xx
Hay,,wanted to Say have a blessed new yeAr and its such a shame you couldn't spend ot here in joburg,,but its ayt you have great day,,I love. And miss you mma sis,,biSo* BiSo711
Thanx love you lots Biso :) hope you enjoyed new year :P xxx
If liverpool was not aa team what team would you supprt?,,
Then i wouldn't be watching soccer :) #LFC4LYF
Hay sian* so sorry that I didn\\\\\\\'t get 2 say goodbii• But here it comes,!,!,! going 2 miss u || u were always there 4 me when I needed a shoulder 2 cry on!! glad that u were my friend!I wish u a safe journey.Love: NeeNa NeensJayde
Thanx Loadz NeeNa.. (': i love you lots & lots xx
You beta come visit uss ok,,
Promise (: xxx
Who do u like
Ask me on bbm :)
The guy you dated in grade 3 likes you
I dated matthew in grade 3..?
Hay,,, ma sis miss ya loadZ angel,,hope to see you soon and enjoy Amanzimmtoti love you gorgeZ[bisO] Thabiso212
Aaw ThanxX Biso* Love you brO xxx miss you too & i will see you agEn xx
Amazeballitious :D :D :D :p :p
Omg Ryan.... :/ :D
Wat is the worst thing that has ever happened to you!!!
Apart frm the move!! …ړ
Hope you don't mind!!!
Kerry!!! Æ Í¡Ì´Ì´.Ì®Æ Í¡Ì´Ì´Ì´
Probably Breaking my arm... It was sO sore :(... :P
Sianii Missing you loads(n):( Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Lots of love ;;) From danii :)♡
Aaw also missing you Danii :( hope you enjoyed your xmas* lov? you lots xxx
Hey!!!!!!! Me soOoo bored!!! Me wanted to let you knw that me sooOoo sorry bout your move!!! Me knw hw you feel!!! Me was in the same situation as you are last yr!!!!
♥ Lotsa love
Thanx Kerona :) xxx
Hay MaaiQ wil net se eke gan ju baja miss ek hoop j kom kuier nog hier by ons in Jo-burg!! Anyway lvj my maaiQ xoxo xx♡ LaurQ LaurQ13
Aah Dankie maaiQ lvj :P xx
Hey ♡:)* Sianii My lil Sista :* miss you soo much and stay as gawjuss as you are and hope to see you soon :*({}) M̶̲̅ώ♡ђ  M̶̲̅ώ♡ђ  M̶̲̅ώ♡ђ  ♡ loves you Lil Sista ♡ from your Big Sista Lauren
Thanx Lauren my big sissta,, lov? you Loadz xxx*
When I describe how I lost something (>oo)> it was there....\(oo)/ now its gone :o
Do you do this too?
-The Llamacorn
Yeah i actually do :D
Who u like?
Ping me on bbm & ill tell you :) xx
Hey!! Wanted to wish you goodluck for high skwl!! I hope you will be the samw shining star as you always have been!! Miss you!!
Kerry!!! <3
Thanx Loadz :D.. Love you lots xx
Hey!!!!!! :D
Did you move??
Thnx!!! BYE <3
Yeah.. Whyy?
Hey my doll its your big sister Kyra... Hope high school is amazing fro you ! I will miss you darling ! Mwah #LotsaLove
Aaw thanx Loadzz :D hope you enjoy grade 9 <3 xxx
Hey!!! Did you move??? But anyway!!!!!! You are "awe"!!!! You'll always be my chop!!! Hope you stay amazing nd never forget me!!!
Love ya!!!!
Kerona <3
Thanx Loadz Kerona :D thanx for everthing <3 love you lots xx
greige :D
Omg Ryan haha :/
I dnt care how far u are, u will alwayZ b a sis to me(one of the best sisters I culd ask 4)!!! and I love<3 and miss u:( Wish u all the best n stay amaZin!!U'll alwayZ b in my <3. Luv Chloe !! :D
Aaw thanx Chloe :D Love you Loadz angel xxx will never forget you!!
Hope you have an amazing time! In your new school going too miss you next year doing modling all my my self! Hehe I love you gorgouse child stay amazing! Keep smiling!
Aaw Bianca? ;) love you Loadz childd* going to miss you too angel xxx
You a Bit** **....!!!!????
That's wat your mom called your dad wen his condom failed & you were born :)
I guessed your middle name!! ;D
And liverpool is not actually such
A bad team:p
Haha think i who this is :P & LFC rocks dude!!!! :D & i don't have a middle name?? :/
Hi!! Who told you me Keron Govender called Alexi a racist pig nd a f**??
Hope you don't mund my asking!!!
Your sincerly
Uhm.. Long story & for me to know & you to find out :) x
So you would date a grade 6 :) not like now but??
If he treats me right & he's worth it.. Then yes :)
Do you consider me one of your best friends??
Thanx !!!!!! xoxox
Hope you do!!!
Uhm.. Dude.. I have no idea who you are?!?!
Would you ever date a grade 6 like maybe if you found the right one:) ?
Yeah i might :) but I'm moving sO i don't want to be in a relationship right now :) x
How was the concert last night?
FREAKING AMAZING!!!! Its really something out of this world!! Its one of those times where you have to experience it to know how it feels :) xx
Why did we break up? I'm still inlove with you!!
Uhm Ping me Pls :)
Hello Llamacorn :D
Wanted to tell you that I'm winning. 200000 - 0
Love you ( + 1 000)
Stay amazing
-The Dylan
Haha Love you too my brother :Pxx
Guys on Daniel montiles qooh me please stop it no one owns sian she is a lady and not a rag doll:) x
Thanx Loadz xxx* Love you *
Aii daniel you better stop acting like me :| I didn't ask Sian that and you gave it away, shouldn't you hide your qooh me name /;) clever:|
Nycc Danii :-P Love you lotz xxx
Hi sian
ITS...... D????L
Geuss who
;D Dandaman
Someone starting with a D :) x
Hey sianii
What do u think of Daniel M in LS
Love you lots
Dani:p Dandaman
Uhm I'm not gonna answer that because this isn't danielle :)
Hello siannie just wanted to pop in and tell you that you must stay amazing and beautiful love you♥ lots Danii :)xx
Thanx Danii child :P love you lotzZ xxx ?
Why did you guys break up *confused face
Ping me on bbm & ill tell you :)
Hey Who Do U Like :D & are u still dating alexi ? ;)
No I'm not dating alexi :)
**"̮Hey*"̮** sianiii... °̩ *♡love* you sister Lots and lots.. Morgz007
Love you too my Morgzii* xxx mwahziezz
Hay loveyy;;)* its your crazy brunette #twiniii/ neighbor ;;):D love you lots sianiiiiii!!! Mwa.
Ex oh ex oh ! dom.a
Love you my twinnii** xxx mwahzz
Waner kom kuier j vr my???Monna :D:p liefies vr jw... Monnaq303
Hey monna.. :) ek weetie haha wanneer jy my weere uit noi
Hey you
Wanted to wish you gud luck for exams!! Kwn you will nail dem all!!!
Loads of love to you!! :)
Thanx loadz :) you too :) xxx
How is the llamacorn?
I'm not good,.I want lasagne
Purple.. :)
Uhm.. No because I'm moving
Hay again ang your afrikaans and ems chair stealer quess who?????***love u silly chop♥
I love you CAITYY!!! :} <3 mwahzz**