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Steph DElia


Ask me anything xx

1.6k Replies

What were you doing seven years ago?

Being a sick **** 9 year old

stephdelia replied 2886 days ago

What happened with you and Tyrin? or are you together?

Mine and tyrins relationship is none of anyone's business

stephdelia replied 2902 days ago

What's a big turnoff on the first date?


stephdelia replied 2913 days ago

You're pretty fine every where, even that b**ty ;)


stephdelia replied 2944 days ago

The go with you and Tyrin?


stephdelia replied 2944 days ago

How was the year 2016 for you , so far ?


stephdelia replied 2968 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?


stephdelia replied 2978 days ago

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

Hopefully being a better year than this one

stephdelia replied 3004 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

Buy a island so I don't have to put up with annoying people around me everyday

stephdelia replied 3019 days ago

Why isn't Tyrin your fav persjn

Cause Jenna treats me better and me and Tyrin are just friends

stephdelia replied 3020 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

Jenna ahmat because she is a babe

stephdelia replied 3025 days ago

Right maggot ahaha, hope you choke on the next thing you eat xx

Thanks bby xxx

stephdelia replied 3032 days ago

What's the goooo with you and T dawg

Non your business

stephdelia replied 3032 days ago

Why have Tyrin in your Insta bio if he tells me you two broke up?

We didn't brake up that's why

stephdelia replied 3044 days ago

What makes you happy to be alive?

My family

stephdelia replied 3047 days ago