What's missing in your life ?
i wouldnt know because i have no other version of my life to compare it to
What gives you peace?
star-gazing or being on my own with some plants (garden, nursery, forest, etc). bonus points if there are trees taller than me because i find that calming
What do you spend your money on the most ?
food? ??!!???!??????? why is this a question
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
figuring out how to manage my time so that i can be as healthy as possible while completing my work as quickly as possible. also money but when is that not an issue really
How do you deal with failure?
i get upset, talk to someone about it and make sure that the failure wont happen again if its realistically preventable
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
give it time and maybe we could have a better relationship. i need to know that they will never treat me or anyone else like that again.
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
What is your biggest success up until now?
im mentally healthy despite a history of depression and anxiety
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
travel, eat really well and go to seminars
The best song in 2014 for you ?
'im ready' - ajr
What do you miss about your childhood?
marbles and cool books about fossils
How do you want to end 2014 ?
How long do you want to live?
long enough
At what age do you want to get married ?
30s+ but it might never happen and im okay with that :)
What would you suggest everyone try ?
sleeping regularly and staying hydrated
The most unreliable person you know ?
me probably
Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
this is a terrible question
Biggest regret?
i was so far in the closet i didnt even notice my closet key (tv tropes)
The most expensive item you own?
my mandolin
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
nope! there was even a period in high school where i showered two or more times a day
i believe in fire
whats a fire to a non-believer
ill burn down the caravan bruh- spoopy anon
i dont believe in anons
well now thats some amount of questions SarcasticDevil
when you say how it’s weird having something living inside you, is that just that it’s moving that it’s weird? ‘Cause you could tell me my heart was a dude that was moving, and I would believe it.
1 000 000+ things are living inside the human body at any given moment so who really gives a ****
im really smart sometimes. But only sometimes.
i hear that
what do you think would be the worst sticker to troll people with? Like a defibrillator would be pretty bad, wouldn’t it?
i have had situations recently where I’ve woken up in the night to pee, and I do have to double check with myself that I’m awake, ‘cause I don’t want to risk it. I have like a checklist.
thats very wise
i realized, about 25 years old, that nobody really taught me how to wipe my as*.
pretty sure they did and youve just got a ****ty memory
why break your both legs, if you could just break one?
- shakespeare probably
do you think the war invented tunnels?
humans invented war and tunnels, not necessarily in that order
if u could buy instant nobs in a packet, would you do it?
how anatomically accurate are the knobs
has every human bone been bone?
bone been bone all along
are you ever just glad that you’re not Australian?
never felt that way, because i happen to have always been australian. maybe one day my national identity will change. who knows. :)
playing a fun game in my house at the moment called ‘figure out what the switches do’. And there’s about eight switches in my house if have no idea what they do.
wot if your legs didn't know they were legs
what if were all legs and just dont know it