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Dragon Age tbh
( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
Dragon Age: Origins
????????????????????? my wat
If I have (a) kid(s), I'd want some mix of Milamber Rose in there.
But like, a kid? In this economy?
idk like a 9ft fence?
I'm fckin sick as bro.
As in I'm going through two tissue boxes a day help me
to finish every open world RPG
playing crappy games on kongregate/facebook/my phone as I contemplate playing proper games on steam
with a whimper
Right-Wing Politics
play video games \( ̄▽ ̄)/
I would say jeans but then i'd be top nude oh no. Black dress with built in push up bra and minimal cleavage. I will fit in at any event (except ones that need shoes but w/e)
there are 1.5 special people in my life and i fear mingling D:
Nice Kill! (League)
Escort quests with: non-essential npcs, slow npcs, npcs with high aggro/low stealth, any escort quest in morrowind that takes place in the outdoors because cliff racers and nix hounds will fck you off and kill your npc every three fcking seconds hOLY sht NO WONDER I USED THE fckING CONSOLE TO SET MY COMPANIONS TO IMMORTAL THEY WALK OFF fckING BRIDGES FOR FUN fck MORROWIND'S ESCORT QUESTS
the fcking blue shell in mario kart. eat my dck, i was winning fair and square
a small 4-door hatchback of any sort at all
36. The real question is which Dragon Age will we be up to by then
Any time I got 100% on very hard mode in guitar hero.
The coffee machine turned on
When I was about ten, I was playing hide and seek with someone who counted down fast on purpose. So I ran to hide and dived down behind a bed... That had a screw sticking out. Now I have a screw scar on my butt.
And not the fun kind of screw, either :(
memes n vidya
yesterday. dark souls.
my lovely new poster ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Steam downloads <3
Designer clothes. If something costs more than $100, why? Get 4 pairs of regular jeans instead of one boutique pair???
Times when I was a complete A$$hole (but then I'd be more liable to repeat mistakes...) or REALLY GOOD movie/game plots so I can re-experience them for the first time.
Good. I just woke up and all I have to do for the next couple hours is pick an outfit. Also I've got a million baby pigs.
An accapella/beatbox mashup of Santigold's 'Disparate Youth' and Skrillex's 'Cinema'. It's better than it sounds, promise.
when does the fallout 4 dlc come out?
Being killed by a stationary car in fallout 4.
bruh, stay in your lane
Are you kidding. Magic School Bus?!!?? I'm fckin ready Ms Frizzle
What, if any, changes to future living arrangements I'll be doing.
A super cutie babe and late September P:
Living with people I love. I don't really care geographically.
Feminism. Video games. Feminism in video games. Also caring for the people I love, I guess.
Anything by Meghan Trainor. Peppy but they get old fast.
hahaha who is asking this? Anyway, yes.
I'm more attracted to masc folks, and I'm only ever had crushes on men... So I guess guys. I'm more comfortable with fem folk/women, but unless I know them I don't really get the butterflies/sparky feels for them ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Why do I have to choose? Men and women and enby peeps are all good with me.
(fckin) nerdddd
I dont know, but whatever I'm attempting, I'm not succeeding.
To be the very best, like no one ever was.
0-2? I'm not fussed. I need at least a dedicated partner (preferably a couple;) ) and steady shelter + income before I'd even seriously consider trying to raise a kid.
Every achievement unlocked. Saving gnome chompski.
cus i'm a gurl gamer. a gamer who is girl. a girl. who games.
dont do drugs. (newborns wont understand me anyway uhhh)
It is 39% right now since the charger is not in arm's reach.
Doing what you want to do (even if it's not a 'proper' goal... video games. it's just video games) and being with people that you love
I can only assume none (or one: my own.)
White girls* and fine memes and vidya, oh my! (*not all people mentioned are white girls)
finish fallout new vegas (again)?
Video games and snuggles (cuddles + kisses)
house cat I would only miss my thumbs for gaming (hopefully by the time I die they've implemented brain-controlled consoles tho)
Do what you want when it doesn't hurt the vulnerable
yo mama ;) But seriously, I dunno? Giving people money when they needed it??? Finished a sudoku? Define 'great'
Bunch a clothes n general bedroom junk. A box of books holding up one end. Spoopy scary skelingtons.
one time i called someone a poop and didn't say sorry
memes 'n' vidya (games)
No interrupted 72+ hour RPG gaming marathons.
We're only halfway through, but it's looking up. (And not just because of Fallout 4)
like the meme queen that i am
looks? like 5/10 depending on what you're into/the camera angle :P
Age of Ultron, for the portrayal of Natasha Romanoff (SO GOOD IN WINTER SOLDIER. SO BAD FORCED LOVE INTEREST IN AOU). (Also making Romani/Jewish characters join a Nazi organisation??? excuse me???)
Cole. People treating Anders well. Morrigan. A happy ending/life for Fenris.
Video games and food.
My tumblr queue limit.
i nEVER FAIL. Nah, it depends what the thing I'm failing at is. ie if I fail at work, I just stare at the problem/ask the managing IT staff, double check my 'list of stuff I need to do' to make sure nothing's skewed. Unless my anxiety kicks in, in which case merging into the wrong lane or making a bad coffee can make me start crying, get heart palpitations, shaky and wanting to hide by myself for a while. Y'know, the normal reactions.
I'd make Emma not allergic to everything in the damn universe. She keeps sneezing on my stuff :'(
The SNK theme, but it's always set to vibrate/silent.
ehhhhhhhhhhhh, neither? I guess my mum.
Fictional. But for reals? Looks wise I've gone for pale, thin and dark haired. (I'm talking L Lawliet, Loki, Vincent Valentine, Neji... Ok. My type is fictional, there's no getting around this.) Personality wise? Um. Not a brony or right-wing voter??? Idk
Are movie-series allowed as one entry? Because if so: Harry Potter, MCU, and Scrubs. If not, then Buffy, Adventure Time and Elementary.
blue orchid. the ones that look really fluro and fake.
uh. I guess my car even though i inherited it. The most expensive things I've bought are video games with pre-order bonuses around $100 (but they're not worth that now so)
I almost never take baths........... If you include showering, then yeah, anytime I rolled over and found out my alarm hasn't gone off and I HAVE to be at first session. A ton of deodorant and washing up/spare shirt at the first in-school break available.
yes :(
(◡‿◡✿) thank you friend
because of my bronies/brony culture tag
my hand is always by my side
holy ****, half-price begging now(how the slenderman has fallen)? well i actually DO have ten dollars before i get paid, so sure. hit me up bruh, i can get you ten dolla$
yeah you can keep holding my flower(s) if u want bab (◡‿◡)彡✿
And to you! AND TO LU! Burn their limbs off. absolutely not acceptable.
er, maybe, but only because i'm not 100% confident of my cpr abilities. i don't want to accidentally kill someone with a crushed rib or something. if im the only one there and they'll die if i do nothing (rather than a street with other people) then absolutely i'll try.
woah there friend you might need to slow down.
nO I'M NOT GONNA. I haven't even been paid yet i don't HAVE $20
slenderman, get out of here, i haven't found any of your pages yet, you can't show up
that's what i was thinking, but i mean, if they're into it?????????????? (LOL NO DON'T DO IT VERY EASILY DAMAGED D O N O T)
h0t. (who this and why tho omg)
dude, it's video games. always and forever. otherwise fanfics (..............many based on video games)
yea man. hahaha the double standard. like. i sware.
then take me in with your ears. im sorry for being too much for one sense to handle <3
Never seen vikings. GOT is ok, but too much misogyny and assault and crap really.
plenty of **** to go around bae ;)
like most people i guess? my giant **** is where i get off;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
omg give me a tiny horse, that's adorable i'd have to care for a giant dog, but a tiny horse can just wander my yard looking cute AF while i muck a sleeping area every so often. like another guinea pig
well of course i am. i am literally the devil, only more sarcastic. Ain't nothin better than lucifer ;) (love you too, bab)