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vaughn atkins


Ask me stufff(:

78 Replies

Nawh Vaughny ya cutie :* wtfff I did care about your carving and I'm actual so annoyed it accidentally got thrown out :( I'll make you one okay? Hahaha xxxx ashleeeeeeigh

You better (; xxx

vaughny679 replied 3780 days ago

Thoughts on Ashleigh cocker xxxx

Shes pre cool ae (: have known her for ages now ae shes always been there for me. Shes a good laugh and spins a dec yarn. Have had some good and bad memories with her haha (; still not too happy that you didn't care about my carving. Not okay. :( naa haha shes always been a good friend (: xxx

vaughny679 replied 3893 days ago 1

awh Vaughn thank you so much! love you <3 x

You are very welcome! (: <3

vaughny679 replied 3893 days ago

Thoughts on Micah , long? :) x

Never know where to start with this, long story long she is the most weirdest (in the best way ever of course (: ) most funniest most silly most bubbly most craziest person I have ever meet but you cant help but love her (: she has the minstest personality out (: she will always find a way to make you laugh smile (: she has always been there for me and I appreciate that (: I really don't know what I would do without her in my life it would probably be so boring and dumb, but she is so its amazing (: I love coming to school and knowing when I see you we will have our wee wav and smile and sometimes it lasts for ages and I bet people are like da ****? But idec (; school is always sooo much better when she is there (: science is always great fun turning around and having our facial convos (; pe is always a great laugh to look foward to(: im gonna miss not having school :( we are going to hang these holidays!! (Hanmer) She has the most contagious laugh and smile out you just cant help but be happy when you are around her (: I like that we have became pre close over the last term (: if something is really boring and stupid she will find a way to make it the funnest thing out (: she is also real pretty (; I don't really know what else to say even though aftet this I will probably think of a gazillion things to say haha but I hope you like this amd I hope it made your night :))) x

vaughny679 replied 3893 days ago

Thoughts on Belle?

She's cool(: we used to talk abit but not no more. We had some good talks wouldn't mind talking again. She's good to talk to and has a mint personality and she's quite pretty to haha

vaughny679 replied 3943 days ago

Thoughts on Danya?

She's a fav tbh, we have some good laughs in pe and Maori. We've closer I guess this year haha which is good. She's a really good singer even when she's not even trying hahah. Not to happy that she isn't doing kapahaka though >:( silly Danyas mummy. Shes quite pretty too. She has the weirdest fears and stuff haha, special child. She's a qt

vaughny679 replied 3943 days ago 1

what happened with you and tamika??

Idek don't ask me

vaughny679 replied 3952 days ago

Thoughts imcoolerthanyou

I would do them but you hate me and wouldn't do mine if I asked you and havnt done me a like so maybe some other time :*

vaughny679 replied 3962 days ago 1

haha shot dude ;) Tahu101


vaughny679 replied 4021 days ago

Thoughts on josh L

Mean as at basketball hope we get in the same team would be sick, had mean times in Maori ae haha, you and your girlfriend are cute haha bulk gc

vaughny679 replied 4021 days ago

thoughts ;) Tahu101

Bulk as at basketball ae(: you had a mean game today haha, bulk at Maori and probs kapas cuz your the leader and all(; mean as at full back just tackle anyone ae haha. Bulk gc

vaughny679 replied 4021 days ago 1

Thoughts Tamikaxo

Idek at the moment tbh

vaughny679 replied 4053 days ago 1

who is your favourite sister?


vaughny679 replied 4059 days ago 2

Thoughts?(: Daniellllle

Your nice good to talk to we have some good chats and Yeaah seem cool(:

vaughny679 replied 4064 days ago 2

How do you feel about dating exes?


vaughny679 replied 4064 days ago