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Tell her that I love her..
Eternal happiness
Id assume Mikayla?
Hello again.
Bored as fck
Life with Mikayla ❤❤
I'm sorry kro bb. But no..
Cardboard boxes
You are such a questionable individual..
I probably won't
You're weird.
Cheers bruh
Which one of you fckwits is saying this
Nah, you forgot school.
I'm not into that scene, sorry.. Hopefully you aren't too distraught
Haha, that's for me to know and for you to fck off
When people stop asking if they can defecate on my face.
I'll pass..
No probs bb
And I thought I was fcked in the head
We don't really do much together outside of the KFC doors, but youre a pretty good guy. Genuine person when you want to be, and a pretty funny lad. This party should be alright, and Im looking forward to it.
First off, thank-you ;) Well Paige, you're an absolute spud, you're pretty funny, you put up with my crap and sometimes you make me laugh(I probably make you laugh more though), you're nice for the most part and you're one of the best people to have a good ol' chat with. You give off a great vibe, and are great to party with. I'd say you're a close friend who I could trust with a fair bit.
Ugly and live, not forever.. but I would live my life. However long that may be.
That I'm gonna be successful in life
That's a part of my private life, and is certainly none of your concern.
I don't want to know.
And you're one of them? Surely I can be a **** sometimes, but that's all part of the 'Chris charm'. I could do with more friends.. So easiest thing to do is tell me in person
Just because of deb, doesn't necessarily mean we are close. Friends, yeah. But not really "close".
I don't have anything with anons.
I'm not really "close" to any other girls other than her tbh.. Not anymore.
Liked, past tense.
I am the most enthusiastic worker he has ever seen do a job -- a random senior dude
Dealing with haters xD
She was happy without me I think
Hahah so much hate today ✌
Hahaha cool bruh ;)
Uhm, i would rather not
Wow, someones having a rough day
You'd like to know. Wouldn't ya?
Chill 5/10 Chill 5/10 And chill 5/10
Mmkay. What were you on about though??
But why
Would want to know why, but other than that, I wouldn't care
Who said they were at Lakes?
The sound of waves crashing. Or even summertime thunderstorms
You are such a strange child.
Not Kayleigh, try again ✌
Y'know, the whole, "not dropping me" thing
I guess your right, but I'd like them to provide evidence to backup that claim.
I think both would drop me before I had a chance to chose any way ✌
A few of them are famous.. ;) Nah, one of them lives in Lake Tyers And one in Kalimna :P
Because I doubt my own abilities sometimes..
I could think of a few thoouugghh D'x
Kross/Dylan? Idc, leave Kayla alone.. she needs space alright?
Yes. Yes I can.
Dont/didnt talk much.. and i dont really know you. So talk to me, and ask me again in a month :P
I stick up for Kayla because shes my friend! Thats what friends ****ing do.
Well, I.. think so xD Yes, I have.
Sometimes I just wonder about myself ✌
Haha, the girl who doesnt know who I am ;P Nah, your super nice, will probably break my neck if I dont be nice (
I dont really know her that well, but she seems to be quite nice?
Im pretty ****ed up in general. most people know that
They seem like a good bunch of people, although they come across as very loud individuals.
Whoever wrote this, **** off and leave her alone.
I know my *exuality. So, no.
As opposed to the people I normally inbox?
Jamiesons really nice but i dont know her all too well Kaylas strange but I think shes fantastic and great to get along with Paige is basically the same as Kayla, a tad weird (coming from me ;P) and funny.
The year 11 one? I dont know
Who wants to know?
Thats A rare occurrence
Basically shes attractive and funny and good to talk to, when we do haha
Obviously someone who is curious about me But who?? Dont care ✌
I dont like the idea of who I think wrote that
Hahaha, just because they are the hottest, doesnt mean I have a thing for them ;) just saying.. :P But your talking about the Year 12, so, blonde.
Hahaha! ✌
Year 11, and Year 12 ✌
Theres actually 2 people haha,
Hottest year 12s IMO: Mikayla and Jess Prowse +year 11s IMO: Jamieson and Kylah?
**** i mostly want but dont need
year 11+12? Or just 12? Be more specific.
Life.. or whatever's left of it