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HaTerS QooHs ObViouSly Go To DeLeTe BiN,So Don't EveN BoTheR AsKinG 'Em!!!

43 Replies

Love ur eyes

Oh ThnX Anon :)!!!

Bongilicia replied 4850 days ago 2

Wt u gtn up 2doll? LadyN

Eish BeeN BonDinG WiTh My BookS Thee WhoLe Day..BuT NoW Im BouT To Go See a FrienD!!!!

Bongilicia replied 4850 days ago

Tnx bee..luv u mre!*xctd* LadyN

LoVe TeN TyMs MoRe ThaN Yu Do :)!!

Bongilicia replied 4850 days ago 1

wen u ***n to pta Chloe_matz

Yoh Brah..WaS TheRe Thee WhoLe WeeKenD LaSt WeeKenD!!!!!

Bongilicia replied 4850 days ago

U wake up in da midl of da nyt 2 pee,wen u take wateva u wearin off u realise dat u had a *ex chnge instead of sitin nw u cn jst stand! Wat wud u do? Who wil u col? phuks

Yoh I'd somer Die TheRe!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago 1

Wats cohesion?

Ahh Dude I aint a Physicist!!
Its some term used 4 JoinT/UniTy in PhySiCs!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

Acordin 2 u Define hot....

WheN Yu Are FiRe!!:)

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago 1 not fair..mara ayt il live ma inbox full can c u guys r tired of seeing my tat.. tilly

LoL JuSt waNna See If Yu CaN SurViVe SinCe Yu NoW AlsO an AddiCt!!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin? IrvinThaGod

Lol!Lol! IrVaY
No..TheY SprinG BcK and LeaVe BehinD Thee CoffiN in The GrounD!!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

It hz2b appropriate myk up..phela its a very powerful tool in cn inhance my natural luk LadyN

I don't MeaN PowDer and Ish liKe ThaT!!
NorMaL MaKe-Up,Thee 1 StuDenTs MosTly Go FoR...and I Told Ya No NegoTiatioNs Mann LaDy!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago 2

don you have class?? Lol funky..tee

Hahahaha T*
WiTs Bee On HoliDaY!

Wena Y ainT Yu iN claSs nje??

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

I dare you to wear your most hottest outfit 2day jheanelle

Ahhh P* WuD WeaR 1 iF I HaD ClaSses
As 4 noW ima Bee InDoorS So iT'll bee kinDa poinTleSs!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

t***ies. Answer to that Qooh by Roxy IrvinThaGod

Yoh lol!lol! IrVaY
ThoughT Ud MayBee SaY CupCakeS lol!

TheRe iS Thee RePly RoXy!!!

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

things you hated from an ex while yall were dating? IrvinThaGod

1.IgnoRanT BehaVioR
2.DrinKinG Too MuX
3.All oVeR Thee PlaCe
4.HoT TheN ColD.......

Bongilicia replied 4853 days ago

Wats the most attractiv thng on yo body? RoxyLeo

Ill LeT The GuyS AnSweR ThaT 4 Me#Wink*!!

Bongilicia replied 4854 days ago