Tillllllllllll! Facebook/Twitter? Hit me with your handles IrvinThaGod
FB mathilda ntzaquelo sibiya.....twitterO_o...lol watz dat?
tilly replied
4472 days ago
talk like a normal person Jesus!
Grab A Map..
Drive A Car..
Go 2Hell..
Safe Trip..
Zit Normal Enuf 4Yew??
tilly replied
4487 days ago
Rate me
tilly replied
4487 days ago
Rate me
tilly replied
4487 days ago
What do u do when u find out that "shinning armour" man of yoz is n0ne but a cult 2 faced sunnamabeesh? Do u igno d dreams yal had jst cos he didnt lie to u but hid the truth fr0m u? IrvinThaGod
dreams will remain dreams...a sunnamabeesh will remain a tint..ama hit da road n neva look back.
tilly replied
4707 days ago
Hw many ppl do u comunicate wit dat u met on Qooh? phuks
besyds ryting crazy wallz on fb 4lady N,T-mash n kwez....nun.
So wat kips u ***** bck 2 Qooh??? phuks
all ur crazy asses.....lol i jst luv n luv u guys
tilly replied
4735 days ago
Worse *exaul experience Liyah
when he missed da actual door n wanted 2enta da backdoor...#smh
tilly replied
4745 days ago
rose back 2qooh land....xoxo miss u 2.
tilly replied
4747 days ago
1 question u hope ur folks neva ask u Chloe_matz
are u a virgin......eey id freak out cos ma dad once asked me if hw many bf's i have...toka bou a niga who luv gossip..
tilly replied
4749 days ago
Ok, let's get this one out
of the way. How many *ex
partners have you had? IrvinThaGod
let me put ma fone down n start countin...il tell u wen m done....#nosepick
tilly replied
4754 days ago
ur 1of da craziest...i mean craziest galz i kno on FB....m ur secret crush i wudnt mind having a gurl as cretive as u..i luv..luv u.
lmfao.....lol #runsAway....ohkay lol it aint da 1st tym ive heard bwt being crazy an anything thnk u thnk u #takingAbow...im crazy n i lyk it loca loca loca...lol ta ntwana!
tilly replied
4757 days ago
Define hook** Liyah
tilly replied
4763 days ago
Wats gwanin babes? Sparta
work..work...work..man niggus gat no mercy upon me ai...m hustling.
tilly replied
4763 days ago
Hw many guy hv u kissd hu u wer nt dytin, and hv u kissd a guy 2 spit sum1? Liyah
ive lost count such kisser hustler..2spite sum1 yea once kissed sum1 jst to spite my bro cos hes can be such a tail onthe trail ntlaa...he smacked me thou.
tilly replied
4776 days ago
Hai ppl ziwaph dis wknd?
'ppl' me n hu?
tilly replied
4782 days ago
Da year has fst gone by, wats da 1 thng dat u hav achievd nd r mstli proud of? phuks
ive grown...ai suka man ive grown..ive grown so much dat m so driven...spreading like wildfire watch dis space m ready 2conqur da technological world done wif ma diploma cnt w8 2start ma degree next year..#thankUlord.
tilly replied
4782 days ago
Heeeyyyy uuuu! Its bin lng hey! Hope u still gud? phuks
baybe.... Hey man m kul...gal be doin 1st class..dope...hope u also kicking.
tilly replied
4782 days ago
Da best lesson uv learnt is... LadyN
being an angel will cost u ur wings...being too nice will cost u ur smile...pleasing a darkie is a theory dat cnt be proven...OMISSION IMPOSSIBLE
if.u.wer.a.vampire.hu.wd.u.turn.2b.ur.lyfmate FaithM
lol the angel m dating...
tilly replied
4784 days ago
Why is ur big toe called a toe bt ur thumb nt called a finger? Caramel89
lol i bow out dont know xem
tilly replied
4784 days ago
Ur fav tok show host LadyN
the jerry springer..wateva dey col dat show...does it 4me
Stil alyf? LadyN
alive n kiking got too wasted 2day
tilly replied
4793 days ago
i love u.
if ur a guy i luv u2..if ur a gal i luv ur bf..:-)
tilly replied
4807 days ago
Share Your most memorable
text/chat message you
received from;
1. Your mom
2. Your bestfriend for life.
3. Your Boo
4. Your EX
5. Stalker!!!
6. Your varsity or school
7. Your random chatting mate IrvinThaGod
1.u recieved airtime from 076 wat wat
rn2 hewena barhu wen r u goin 2*** & c me i miss ur crazy as* *NB* pls dress lyk a lady not a tomboy..
rn3 \'i hate it wen u rub ur ear cos u look so cute wen ur doin it\' *wow*
rn4 happy birthday,dis year i remembered ur bday can u tak me back..*crazyMofo*
rn5 u left ur g-string here..#dontEvenOwnASingle1...*chancer*
rn6..dear mrs sibiya we informing dat ur daughter matilda ntsakelo sibiya has missed school 4a week..dumb asses ma mum doesnt read msgs.
rn7 i deleted u,can u pls invyt me again missing u...*invyted da ***hole*
tilly replied
4807 days ago
wht if 1 day u walk in2 ur house n find ur patner n ur best frnd naked on the bed...n thy both look @ u n shout "April fool day"....Lookn 2 d calendar it is indeed d 1st of April, wht wld u do? E.Anderson
tilly replied
4807 days ago
wht if 1 day u walk in2 ur house n find ur patner n ur best frnd naked on the bed...n thy both look @ u n shout "April fool day"....Lookn 2 d calendar it is indeed d 1st of April, wht wld u do? E.Anderson
mistake of their lives....dey'l b shouting april's fool in heaven.
tilly replied
4807 days ago
Eva imitatd sumthn u saw on tv?if yes,wt ws it LadyN
1 i recently imitated nick cannon 'im da best drummer u gat,aint no class dat can teach me 2do me' from da drumline movie..
2 iluv twirling around ma waist n hips erytym i c shakira's music videos
3 i also luv imitatin bonang wen she says 'its ur gal B'
4 imitated dineo 4rm club 808 erytym she says mo flava hi5,mo flava lo 5,or doin da hlokoloza bokke dance
5 just last 9t i was imitating nicki minaj's superbass where she goes 'yes i did,yes i did' closing 1eye lol..#CrazyWorldIliveIn'
rly wana q u sumthn bt i dot knw wht to q.... E.Anderson
lol u can start by asking da wayout qooh..'hws u'?
tilly replied
4809 days ago
how wud u get a celebrity to kill u?
a celeb....id go straight to obama & tell him im da real osama...grr
tilly replied
4810 days ago
Do boo*s float in water? IrvinThaGod
lol ohkay...mmmm wow i dono..hai i wudnt kno mine r not big enuf to float..eeer i bow out i just dono..*scrathesHead*
tilly replied
4810 days ago
Gdnyt tee-tee! LadyN
nyt nunu....
tilly replied
4810 days ago
when the wife is ubsent, is ther any1 the wife can recomend,,, kwezBOM
yeap ur shadow....hubby dontchu dare think of double crossing wifey ne....cos i gat mega lurv 4dat lion face of urs i don wana c it re-arranged.
tilly replied
4810 days ago
Sick days bfr my b.day ths b a bad sign igneta
don we have a dr inda qooh fam..*thinking*...na ma hubby kwezz can be anything i want him 2b...aowa nunu u btr get btr...i bot too much champagne don wana c it go down da drain....take any tablets u *** across even arv\'s
tilly replied
4811 days ago
u luking gud where u from?
a compliment dat ***s wif a question...#cntDzeal
tilly replied
4811 days ago
describe me in 1word
using da 1st letter of ur
name? IrvinThaGod
too much.
tilly replied
4811 days ago
rum is burnin, what 5 tings wud u save Chloe_matz
me,4ne,school docs,ma i.d & 2pairs of sneakers.
tilly replied
4811 days ago
Wud yu ever date a guy
One of Yo Best Friends Really Likes,I Mean Always Talking About Hin kinda Like!
Considering The Guy Came To Yu And Yu Happen To Also like Him??
#Think_oF_Yo_Happiness_Also!! bsilinda
i wud she has to understand dat we both like him...but he only likes me...da can only b 1winner n i bit her 2dat....
my tillytubby, been missing you n yo crazinesss, kwezBOM
if u miss me dat much quit dat travelling job of urs n stay home wif wifey....cheatin always starts wif unending traveling trips..:-(
tilly replied
4812 days ago
gues wat, i'l b in MP in two weeks tym... Weddingin Nelspruit... kwezBOM
is it our wedding?
tilly replied
4812 days ago
Sorry papa i promised
i wouldn’t change
but I woulda went insane had i remain the same ME! IrvinThaGod
**** this nigga..b*tchs too..all i gat is this money..this\'ll do...ahhh*luvingHIm*
tilly replied
4813 days ago
Whats the last thing you googled? Vince
drake's headlines & light up lyrics.
If u hd2hv a disability,whch1 wud u pik&y?blindnes or deafnes LadyN
blindness....id die if i cnt hear music play.
tilly replied
4814 days ago
Bona. The
thourt of s0me object tickling
my gurl's v***** doesnt
amuse me. So i had 2 vhaya
with a pad IrvinThaGod
lol ohkay JL a pad gives me bad rash..it irritates me..i kno tampons aint dat safe bt a pad its a no no 4tilly m always onda run tjo,cnt go swimming wif a pad on..lol n oh a tampon tickles wen its full..if it aint u wnt even kno its da..PAD#cantDzeal
tilly replied
4814 days ago
How many tyms have u
lied abt using a c0nd0m? IrvinThaGod
lmao #hidesInTheCloset
tilly replied
4815 days ago
Do u understand twitter. Vince
lmao i used to hi 2009 bt now its too complicated 4m nowanda i even 4gt ma password.
tilly replied
4815 days ago
If your BF had a problem of wetting his bed what would you do. Vince
what old ppl use 2do...tie a centipid arnd his waist dwn his **** erytym he does da psss it will but his ****\'nyan...m xo hel stop.
tilly replied
4815 days ago
facebook wallost from yo bf: Baby u done tuk dis 2 anoda level!
a neighbourhood nigga
lyk me aint supposed to be gettin no ***** like this. my
**** thanks u!
I wa ****in parts of your ***** Iv
never ****d b4.
yo reply: IrvinThaGod
013 7730 548...best shrink around town..do watchu have 2do.
tilly replied
4815 days ago
latest pickup line uve heard?
ur pretty m handsum can we go to ma rum & stare @ each other...hey can i use ur name to play da lottery...ah i kno y froms sumwhere,yea my dream n u gv me ur numbers #smh sum niggas
tilly replied
4815 days ago
IdeaL PerFecT GuY 4 Yu
BuT GoT Braces
Wud Yu StilL Go 4 Him?? bsilinda
tilly replied
4815 days ago
WhaT AnnoYs Yu About The FolLoWinG:
12.Chleo_Mats?? bsilinda
1 ma hubby bt dono his face
2 he always getsUp&leaves
3 none
4 none
5 none
6 none
7 none
8 none
9 sumtyms she aint here wen we need her
10 if it aint vampire diaries his busy trying to get rich sumwhere..nowhere 2b fnd
11 lol princess ncaar she brings out 'my up2NoGud' behaviour
12 will get back 2u just tagged her.
tilly replied
4815 days ago
What's The MosT irriTaTinG ThinG AbouT Qooh?? bsilinda
no emoticons m tired of ryting drools,emabrassed,angry n allo dat.
tilly replied
4815 days ago
Chuz 1 am0ngst dis gentlemans...
1. Der 1 dat drinks Beer.
2. Der 1 dat drinks Cider.
3. Der 1 dat d0esnt drnk at all. Maine
since i gat a guy wit a 3 on his head i myt aswell settle 4three....
tilly replied
4816 days ago
dlt dat it wasmt ment 4 u its ment 4 ur hubby Liyah
tilly replied
4816 days ago
1of ur best songs eva?
giving a title of best song n music video...thee hottest eva 4me wud be drake's ova n deuces remix...luv luv em
tilly replied
4816 days ago
what a u doin in pta?
im doin me*drakesVoice*
tilly replied
4816 days ago
The most embarasing day ul nvr 4gt? E.Anderson
da day my pants got ****ed up n ma whole as* was showing...
tilly replied
4816 days ago
wld u date u bst frnds' ex bf? E.Anderson
neva sum lines i just don cross...
tilly replied
4816 days ago
Qooh: How To Spot A Qooh From A 14 Year Old Whoes Pretending To Be 22.
Answer: Visit The Following 2 Profiles.
1. Kwezi (The Lion King)<=hint
2. Anderson (Tony Yayo) JigSaw
lmao dead....da 1st 1be my hubby pls....
tilly replied
4816 days ago
kfc... Nah... That stuf is nt good for my health... O do u want yo hubby to look lyk a ball? kwezBOM
if u *excersize u wnt look like a ball...hu knows myb u oredy look lyk1 wher u hiding.
tilly replied
4816 days ago
R u a gal or a lady?... N state a reas0n 4 ur ansa. Maine
wen m havin a sleep over wif ma frnds or attending a pyjam party m a gal...bt wen m out & about,on a date,handling real situations o spending time wif ma man i be*** a lady.
tilly replied
4816 days ago
Is der a diffrnc btwn a gal n a lady?... If der is plz tel... Maine
Yea des a dif
Physically dey r da sym
Characteristically dey r dif
C a gal is entitled to act childish & naive..
Girls act & then think..
A lady o the other hand is more matured & understands the word feminine..
Ladies always think b4 dey act...
st wrong to ask a lady frd to cook for me...? Cos i realy hav no stingz attachd to her,js food thats all, bt she tels her friend a dif story abt all this, kwezBOM
is my fud not gud nuf 4u...u cn always buy kfc pieces across da street...
tilly replied
4816 days ago
btwn hu myks u cry nd hu hlps wipe ur tear, hu r u most lighty 2 rememba? Liyah
da monkey who makes me cry...
tilly replied
4816 days ago
I usualy buy R___ airtym. Bt wen m broke I buy R___ airtym? Maine
i usualy buy r20 airtime wen m broke i buy r10 or r5
Best lie u eva tld ur bf(bsydz bn on periodz) LadyN
lmao...lmao *dead*....ma lies gat erything to do wif periods..'i missed my periods'
tilly replied
4817 days ago
tel ur husband i am a married woman he xuld stop checkhng me owt Liyah
lmao i tried can u tell ur hubby to kameya-meya him pls...had enuf.
tilly replied
4817 days ago
good mornin my breakfast... How r u doin...? B a good girl today n stay away frm trouble neh... kwezBOM
trouble has oredy cot up wif me...gimme tips on hw to get out hubby,morng.
tilly replied
4817 days ago
Wen u carryn a handbag u dnt 4gt ur...? (u cn list as many as u cn) Maine
m not da handbag type bt wen i do carry 1..i dont 4get..ma fone,perfume,bank & student card,headsets,lip gloss,a pen,tissue,moola and hand lotion.
tilly replied
4817 days ago
pad or tempon? Maine
tilly replied
4818 days ago
Best lie u eva tld ur parents LadyN
yhoo lady ive tod 1of thee biggest lie wen i was doin grade11...m so not pra of maself...wen i think bwt it i feel like trash..bt ive grown now don think id lie lyk dat.
tilly replied
4818 days ago
If u had 2 chuz a guy u wana date 0n ur FB frndz. Wh0 wuld it be? Maine
lol....lol....des dis guy dis guy man..he aint 1of ma frnds bt i keep checking out his pics n his profile...we gat a lot in common i tell u..
if d was smthn u wsh u cld change abt urself wht wd it b? E.Anderson
height....so phuqen wana be tall....
tilly replied
4819 days ago
whose ur local celeb crush? E.Anderson
bongani fassienation...:-)
tilly replied
4819 days ago
Do u think priests also have *ex via doggy style? IrvinThaGod
lol hell yea......*ex can turn a priest into a freak...i tell u da priest myt even shake n scream modan a p*rnstar.
tilly replied
4819 days ago
Wher is tilly? N who r u??? kwezBOM
lol babe its jst an avtr...
tilly replied
4819 days ago
slp tyt my tillytubby... Mncwwwa... kwezBOM
sweetdreams on ur pillow sthandwa sam
tilly replied
4819 days ago
what time do u sleep my tillytubby? kwezBOM
any time afta 00:00
tilly replied
4819 days ago
Wen did u last had "DRINK O P0P"? Maine
myb 2005 lol huh its been long...
tilly replied
4820 days ago
If Cart00ns cme int0 lyf, wich cart00ns wuld u wnt em 2 b Real..? Maine
1of da powerpufff gals....myb buttercup id luv to fly high n get a btr view of rapists frm abv so i can burn their asses.
tilly replied
4820 days ago
Marry me will end togethar(cool j)
married to kwez aka king of thee jungle.
tilly replied
4820 days ago
#pls lv a msg... Hello My Tillytubby, i am so freakdout ryt nw... I js wokeup next to dis dude... He says he is you...i think my eyes r confused... Pls col me back... Very soon, other wise im nt lvn dis bath room... kwezBOM
huny...dats ma lil bro...tod him to kip u busy while i went to buy veggies 4da sunday dish...didnt u c da note onda fridge...refresh n get outa bathroom...il b home within an hour..PS wifey.
tilly replied
4820 days ago
#pls lv a msg... Hello My Tillytubby, i am so freakdout ryt nw... I js wokeup next to dis dude... He says he is you...i think my eyes r confused... Pls col me back... Very soon, other wise im nt lvn dis bath room...
tilly replied
4820 days ago
hello chick... kwezBOM
tilly replied
4820 days ago
My tee tee LadyN
nana hop u feeling better now.....will check on ya l8r.
tilly replied
4821 days ago
Have Yu EveR HaD a *ex_MaTe?
No_StRinGs_AttaCheD!!! bsilinda
lol na nt at all..
tilly replied
4821 days ago
If u had 2 sue ur ex wat wuld u sue for? Lissa
lying yhoo he used to lie even obvious things...\'baby i ddnt *** cos i saw a snake on ma way to ur place..baby i swear i wasnt kissing her...\'
tilly replied
4821 days ago
how r u doin today my tillytubby, r u feeling ok...? kwezBOM
hanging inda hubby thank God u back...i was missing our lil bedrum dramas.
tilly replied
4821 days ago
Would you slap your parent for R200 Million ? Vince
hell yea we toking ching chings here....m xo da money will make up 4da slap.
tilly replied
4821 days ago
celebrity features u have?
ma lips have been compared to dos of megan goods n lungile radu..still trying to compare ma self..n ma brada inlaw once said ma legs look like olvia's legs frm jerseylicious
tilly replied
4821 days ago
1song dat reminds u of ur bf when it plays..
right next to u chris brown...
tilly replied
4821 days ago
Im an average kisser, BUT ON THE OTHER ONE, **** I DO NOT WANA BURST MY OWN BUBBLE!! IrvinThaGod
shud i ask 4ur email n draft sum notes boo...lol avarage is a fair score...bubble secured.
tilly replied
4821 days ago
What's Yo TaKe On loVe_BiteS?? bsilinda
lol i hate em cos da 1st time i gt 1 i went to skul wearing a vest n had em all'ova ma neck...yhoo i tell u ppl had a free movie scene
tilly replied
4822 days ago
Eva testd 4 HIV?if yes,wn last u gt testd? LadyN
lol i gat dis mega phobia 4injections..so ive neva testd.
I Disagree wt ur last qooh those thngs dnt *** naturali i hv male frnds wu cnt kicc to save anyones life thy horrible proven survey..hawua, yea myb sum r born able bt sum hawu thy need lessons igneta
lol neva bin da....i just met avarage kissers...who just needed a lil bit of kissing notes drafted ona paper....horrible 1ns...na.
tilly replied
4822 days ago
Do u thnk ppl need 2 get kisin nd *ex clases or it ***s naturali?? phuks
it ***s naturally bt u get perfection when u learn id go 4bth
tilly replied
4822 days ago
Gimme 5 of ur favrt programmes on Sabc 1? Maine
lol..m not a real fan of sabc cnt i choose ada channels..cos i watch medical detectives,psychic investigators,crime stories,women who kill and jerseylicious...c mostly crime not on sabc.
tilly replied
4822 days ago
Wat colour is ur undrwear dat u wearn 2dy?
gat no undies on...
tilly replied
4822 days ago
Good moning lovely have a finest enjoying day (cool j)
thanx..flip syd.
tilly replied
4822 days ago
tilly replied
4822 days ago