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kwez Bom



274 Replies

R u black or white

I am an african

kwezBOM replied 3829 days ago

1st things u notice wen u meet a gal? tilly

Its the eyes...

kwezBOM replied 4321 days ago

words from her dat makes u smile? tilly

thank you

kwezBOM replied 4879 days ago

u kno ur my red tomato & m ur royco u & i make nice enjoy ur day luvy. tilly

thanks my, have a lovely day too

kwezBOM replied 4879 days ago

lol i asked google
................(.../...*walks away blushing* tilly

thats y u my wifey... Bcause u r kalon....

kwezBOM replied 4880 days ago

a text frm an ex reads
'dear ex..thank u 4bin ma ex..ur not a mistake ur just a leson..its nt dat u were bad bt i deserved dat i gat da best i can 4gt da rest.'
How do u respond? tilly

thank god u found yo best, other wise i was stil gna be trapd in yo exd mind... IM FREE AT LAST...

kwezBOM replied 4880 days ago

n wena wat da hell is kalon? tilly

lmao... Ask google

kwezBOM replied 4880 days ago

describe me in 1word using the 1st letter of ur name? tilly


kwezBOM replied 4881 days ago

lol wa hlanya, its da 21st century, wen da bible was written dey wasnt dis much pressure frm society nd da media. Lol nd wer wer u wen da 'virgin mary wasnt mastebating' lol plz dnt *** wit dat crack lyk guys saints of mastebation Liyah

It sounds lyk u r deffending yo masterbating activitiz, Lmao... Cmon Lee, stop it...its stil wrong,
wether ther is pressure o not... If Marry was a participant in such activities, she would hav neva been given the virgin tittle,

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

u underestimating women,have u lost touch wit ur feminine side? tilly

what wer we qoohin abt btw...?
i understand women, thats why i hav u...

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

give each a role in the bible
1nelson mandela
2desmond tutu
3thabo mbeki
4jacob zuma
5julius malema tilly

1 Moses - he was a very old man when he led the Israelites...
2 Levi - the Robe
3 Solomon - a wise man...
4 solomon (nt for the wisdom, bt for wives...)
5 Judas - Julius, Judas... Get it...

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

how will u manage to kill urself without using ur hands? tilly

yho my tillytubby... I dnt even dream of killin my self... Bt i gues a hunger strike... Bt then i dnt knw if tht would work, coz am sure after few days of strike, id change my mind...

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

she is hot as hellllllll but she has a huge ''hole'' would you keep her? Vince

eish Vince... Its a hard 1... Bt i think id keep... So many ladiz through the ages had to endure so much frm men of diffrent sizes, gettin the ryt man bt wit a wrong size... Hope u get my point... If i lov her 4 real, i'l keep... (bt ofcoz, betwn me n her, we hav to make it clear, its her 'large' n not me 'small'... Js to feel lyk a real man of the house...)

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

if God can appear 2day he wud find u...? tilly

ok ryt he would find me relaxin, waitin for Him, with no traic of sin... went to church today...

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago

If u hd2hv a disability,whch1 of dz wud u pik&y?deafnes or blindnes LadyN

a very hard joice my Lady, i think its better to loose a limb that sight o hearing... Y i say this cos it makes sense... Get it...?
U c, we human got 5senses, the sight sence only depends on 2eyes, same as hearig, on two ears... Bt the sence of touch is depended on yo whole body... So loosin a limb/arm o log...\ only means that one is limited on an ability lyk walkin o handlng things, bt can stil hav a sence of touch on the rest of the body...

kwezBOM replied 4882 days ago 2