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Charlotte Lindo


78 Replies

because your so dam heavy on his back he can't

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he is over 1/2 a tonne, i've under 60kg, i really think i'm waaay to heavy

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

yeah but it's terrible on big. because he aint push button like splash

hahahahahahaha cool story mate, if my position was terrible big would buck me off and that hasn't happened

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

why don't you just go back to basics with your riding and get your position correct before trying anything difficult with big..

haha i wouldn't have pas*ed my c if i didn't have my basic position already established u f**kwit

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

Do you like your school?


Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago


hahaha aww

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

See so now iv asked you twice to name me because you apparently know which one of your friends i am but you obviously have no clue!

lol maybe i do maybe i don't, but i do know that your pathetic and cowardly, and if u really were just using me, you would realise that i have nothing to offer, but hey if u think i am really worthy of using thats cool, but obviously you have some serious issues with me, and i'm not sure what i've done to deserve it

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

Because im using you. if you haven't figure that your honestly dumb. So come on name and shame if your so sure

how r u using me? haha i don't exactly have much to offer love

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

why would i apologise ? i hate you! and come on then who am i if your so certain you know who it is

for being a pathetic piece of shi*, if u hate me so much why r u so nice to me? it doesn't really add up

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

how can you know hahah

because i know that only one of my 'friends' could hate my guts, and i know what person talks like that, you should b very scared ..... but if u apologise to me now, i won't do anything bout it

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

It's funny being so nice to you everytime i see you and then actually hating your guts hahaah

and the awkward thing is i know who this is hahahahaha, nice try love

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

i know your not coping and yes i am someone quite close with you and it's nice to finally get all this off my chest!

lol then be brave and front up to my face, then it will b nice for me to lose u as a friend cuz ur pathetic and i will never ever wanna b friends with someone like u, cuz ur probably a know it all who thinks they know me but they don't

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

splash was easy to ride everyone new that made you look like a better rider than you are and now your not coping on something that's not push button hahahahahah

who said i'm not coping? how do u know what unless your someone close to me and think u know that, i didn't do xc at amberley cuz i'd had him two weeks, and vh it was shi* weather how is that not coping?

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

Charlotte your a ugly *****bag and you really should get a bigger horse and one that you can actually ride no point in wasting bigs potential when he could be out there competing successfully

lol what with you??? haha bullshi* mate, get over yourself

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

I agree she's not great rider and should probably get another horse that is push button and just does everything like splash did and 'make her look like a good rider' but shes not

dude, who the f*** do u think you are, i feel bad that i'm actually posting this shi*, but u had no idea how non push button splash was, he would stop, and he wouldn't get the right strides, he would flick his head in dressage, and he would pull like a tank, so just piss off and tell someone who cares

Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago

Part 6
As for charlottes weight you good for nothing shi*, she's perfect and i don't think she should change at all. Your probably some fat Bit** who has the self confidence of a walrus. Your perfect charlotte and don't listen to any pathetic shi*s xxxxxx


Charxoxo replied 4303 days ago