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Aiden cooper


Amuse abuse or accuse :)

898 Replies

Thoughts on mia crofts

We are in the same health class, she seems so quiet! But she seems like such a nice genuine girl! Would love to get to know her more! Her and Shaun are cute and I hope things work out well for them :))

Cooper_198 replied 3379 days ago

Be scared aiden, Be very scared ;) CodyWalsh

My life is over

Cooper_198 replied 3420 days ago 1

Love how you have Leigh's back so much keep going at jacko and you'll have a fight lined up for yourself

Naws that's nice to know

Cooper_198 replied 3420 days ago 1

thoughts? :) emilykirk

Aw Emily! You're such a nice caring girl! You have such an amazing voice and I'm still wondering why you aren't on X-Factor yet?

Cooper_198 replied 3545 days ago

Who do you love more, mum or dad ?

Well that's a stupid bloody question!

Cooper_198 replied 3545 days ago

Thoughts :) Jessicajoy123

One of my good friends, always having a laugh around you, and so fun to be around! Just a good bloke

Cooper_198 replied 3546 days ago 1

thoughts g? Chelseyyyp

Aw Chesley I just adore you! Easily one of my favourite people to be around and you and twig are so cute! But yeah just an all Round top bloke :)

Cooper_198 replied 3546 days ago 1

Biggest regret?

I don't know

Cooper_198 replied 3549 days ago

Thoughts on gfazz

Aw gfazz such an idiot. Nah kidding so fun to be around and she plays rugby so she's instantly cooler than most

Cooper_198 replied 3552 days ago

You're lovely.

Aw thank you! You should definitely inbox me! :) x

Cooper_198 replied 3552 days ago

Fave girls and boys

From school Girls- Chesley, Rylea, I'm not really close with many girls at school Boys- Evan, Liam, Connor and Shaun

Cooper_198 replied 3554 days ago

Thoughts Aidos? caseyym

Aw Casey such a lovely girl! We have so many old memories and I just love being around you :) trust you heaps and always here for you :)

Cooper_198 replied 3554 days ago

The most expensive item you own?

Probably my drum kit!

Cooper_198 replied 3554 days ago

Thoughts?? :) zantonee

Aw zali! Such a great girl to be around! We always have fun at school and your so trustworthy! Miss you xo

Cooper_198 replied 3640 days ago 1

What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?

I would do anything for a million dollars...

Cooper_198 replied 3641 days ago