I do have a point because as far as I know you left school for a reason and you have no set yourself up for more of it by opening up a site like this just let that sink in
I know who you are because I only tell certain people things and if you know why I really left school then I definitley know who you are. But I do agree with you
You complain about what people say about you & then you keep this up? you ask people to inbox you their opinions clearly they won't inbox you when they posted anonymously it's just stupid and I think you need to remove this it's not worth it
Maybe I like to see what **** is being talked about me, I dunno some of the **** people say hurts but other things I can brush them off, it depends but you do have a point
You and Emily need to sort things out Nd get back together you to are like perfect together!! Heaps cute together!! :)
Haha it's really not that simple as working things out, nothing bad happened, it's complicated but I'm trying to work on things! But thankyou, inbox me I really want to know who you are?
seriously, you and emily are almost 20 and you're acting like 13 year olds. get over yourselves and act your age.
Okay mate
Do you think you and Emily will ever get back together?
I dunno
You don't deserve emily, you never deserved emily, you're an idiot and no one likes you.
'If only you knew what Emily says to other guys' mmm, please tell me? As I don't talk to any boys hahaha! Cause I'd gladly love to know what I am so called 'doing' emilybluck
Exactly, don't listen to them cutie
If only you knew what Emily says to other guys.
You're better off single. Can do what you want ;)
I think you should cutie
Too poor soz
I dare you too come out on Saturday night ;)
I might make an appearance I might not hehe
F u c k you're one u g l y peice hahahahah
Hehe thanks cutie
Why do you all post on here saying he's a dead c.unt he's goes out all the time and yet doesn't ***** it, you are all a bunch of b.itch ****s!! Bowndsy
Ain't that the truth Jordan haha
You are a ****ing C.UNT! Person below! Go **** yourself. emilybluck
:( <3
Should've taken more so you didn't come back out of hospital and done everyone a favour hahaha
Well... That was rude
Why delete my question? You know it's true f***** you're a sook, obviously did it just to get attention
Oi yes definitley did it for the attention..
Dead man walking.
Really? You cutie hehe
Your source of happiness?
A special girl.
Obviously you're going through a tough time at the moment , but giving people the chance to be ****s to you on qooh anonymously isn't going to help you get through this period!
Just think you should delete it for a while dude..
Yeah I know what your saying, I just like to know what things people are saying about me haha half of it makes me laugh anyway hehe I get over it pretty quickly
Kmorey loves graf
Stay strong xxx
Thanks Kristen xx
Can you actually f.uck off and leave Brendan alone he's copped enough s.hit, you are all ****ing pathetic honestly, little c.unts
Thankyou :) but you should inbox me cause I wanna know who you are :(
Seriously guys, just leave him alone :( emilybluck
Man you're a sook haha get over it you got dumped she doesn't like you
Seriously **** off my god.
Just leave emily alone ya f*****
How about you leave me alone?
Emily's trying to move on from you, go do the same ****head, she doesn't want you anymore haha
Seriously go away I don't need you're ****..
**** some of the ****s on here do my head in.
Look out we got some ugly **** trying to be tough, I garentee half you **** ****s wouldn't even stand up to Graf so ya put yourself as anon cause you's are weak! I love you Brendan ShanahMay
Haha I watched Emily with a guy last night, she deserves better than you anyway idiot
**** off seriously.
She made out with Alex west last night
Lol cool
Gonna get with Emily next time I see her just to piss you off ;) hahaha
Haha cool.
Your ****ed just saying
Will be later ;)
What's it like knowing Emily cheated on you and chats up guys already? Hahaha s*cks to be you ;)
Doesn't really s*ck cause I know it's not true :)
What do you go for in a girl
Someone with a sense of humor, they need a sense of humor haha
Favorite *ex position
Ummmmm your mum?
boo*s or arse?
Ummmm Again I'm not too fussed haha
Best root?
That's for me to know (;
Wanna **** bby
What's ****?
Alright so what would you prefer
Blonde or brunette
Not really fussy with that tbh
The greatest moment in your life ?
I wouldn't have a clue, a few things come to mind but nothing to extraordinary
Why have you been sad the past few days?
None if your business really.
Dunno how you have a girlfriend with how ugly you are
Lol.. Cheers ay
Just one ugly mother*****
Thanks man
You should inbox josh crellin, hes hot
Who's that?
**** you're ugly HAHAHAHAHA
Lol thanks champ..
What do you think about the most?
**** you're a lucky guy, Emily is so *exy haha
Haha f yeah I know she is, all mine(;
Emily is a trouble maker
What are your honest thoughts on your girlfriend?
Do you and Emily trust each other when you go out drinking?
Well I trust her when she goes out :) and I'm pretty sure she trusts me too :)
How's the girlfriend(;
Good hehe
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
But I'm too shy :o
Person below inbox or text me please. emilybluck
stop going out, otherwise I'll just do it anyway mate
f/uck off c/unt.
Stop going out when your girlfriend does so I can hook up with her ;)
Lol go away.
Don't listen to these guys Graf!!! You're a great kid and you and Emily are so good for each other! **** em all mate
Thanks, inbox me?
Person below. Please text me. And tell me that yourself ! emilybluck
Your girlfriend deserves so much better than you haha
Lol yeah cheers ****
You should ask your girlfriend to read her inboxes and texts. You'll know what she is doing behind your back then hahahahaha idiot.
Ha she did. So which ones are bad? Care to share or?
Thought on moi?! xo Synny
Hahaha I love you synny xxxx
Care to share what it is I do behind his back? Since you know so much! emilybluck
That's what I'm thinking aha
Haha it's funny how you act so happy with your girlfriend but if only you knew about the **** she does behind your back.
**** off
Hehe. Pretty big if you ask me. To the anonymous below ;)
Haha I know who to are ya cheeky dawg(;
How big is your ****?
What's a ****?
Dare accepted and completed.
Haha whoever this is ily xxx
Why do you only have 4 teeth
I have more than 4 teeth sooooooooooo Awkies dip****
I just want chinese
I had Chinese
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Of course I do
thoughts on Joel the asian
**** your an ugly mutt lol toothless ****
Ily cutie
Thoughts on kristen ?
She's a nice girl and needs to stop putting herself down so much!
You better look after Emily mister! You two are great together :)
Who's this? Inbox me
She's only going to **** you over.
Haha how about you inbox me then? Stop hiding lol
Thoughts on byron phillips
Who's that? :/
Thoughts on Shanah Mayy
She's a nice girl, used to chill a fair bit but don't really see her much anymore
Thoughts on Summa Stiler?
Fuuuuck haven't seen her in ages, nice girl but and used to see her all the time at soccer
You can do so much better than Emily lol
Shut up idiot
Friends 5eva (; megnev
5eva and ever and ever
Grad isn't the biggest c.unt to girls. Whoever said that obviously hasn't talked to him before. He is the nicest boy and so lovely so shut your mouth before I shut it for you mate.
Hehehehehehehe ily
You're actually the biggest cun.t to girls
Hahahaha more like other way round champ
Ily Grendan I miss you â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Imy xxxx
What is missing in your life?
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
Nothing, he died
Your actually so attractive I would do anything to make you mine.. 😘😘
Hahahahahaha okay
Sorry must have mistaken you for someone else then (:
Inbox me?
Do you work at joss or do you brick lay?
Haha no..?
Please be happy, you deserve it xx
Aw thanks
Inbox me
thoughts on Brooke Phillips?
Seems like a nice girl, don't really know her well aha
yeah your hot.
Yeah probs not
Do you have a thing with anyone currently?
Nah lol
I think you're easily one of the most attractive people and I've never even spoken to you! :/ haha
hahahahahaha doubt it, but inbox me, nowwwwwwww
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
Yesss, not saying
Chloe Lucchini is a putrid ***** with a fish smelling box
Lol what..