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Toby H


laaaaaarve you <3

141 Replies

Which one of your friends has the best mum?

What kind of question is that?! well anyway.. I don't really know, I haven't spoken to many of them.. probably Solarah's mum, because she likes Prisoner and Doctor Who (I am pretty odd, did I mention? )

HoopyHoop replied 3925 days ago

hi its Steven peace out haha

oh, alright Steven.. fair enough... :D

HoopyHoop replied 3925 days ago

Last time you cried?

Last night (Y)

HoopyHoop replied 3945 days ago

Favourite car?

DeLorean DMC-12

HoopyHoop replied 3948 days ago 2

-.- Toby how did you know it was me? I wrote like a whole page of things but apparently the word limit is only 260 I think :( pfft your right! Maybe you don't deserve it, you need to work for it m8

Prachi, it was obviously you.. I am sorry, but I have previously given you super long 'tbh's and TO BE HONEST, nothing has really changed since then.... :) just go back to a few months in the past and read those ones... then you'll appeciate my love.

HoopyHoop replied 3964 days ago

What colours are in a rainbow?

Rainbow road? *rainbow road music starts jamming.

HoopyHoop replied 3964 days ago

Can you see yourself being in a long term relationship with anyone from Monterey? If yes then who and why?

I mean, nothing is impossible.. but to be honest, I really don't feel like I really relate to anybody at Monterey. I have some really good friends, but there is nobody that really understands me, and I don't think I could bare to be in a relationship with somebody, if they don't completely understand me as a person. I am not saying that if I were to put myself out there, I could easily get in a relationship or anything... I am just saying that it is very unlikely.

HoopyHoop replied 3964 days ago


I am getting the vibe of too much negativity from you, sir... You should improve on that.

HoopyHoop replied 3964 days ago

What is success to you?

Eating cake without gaining weight.

HoopyHoop replied 3969 days ago 2

Tbh sumitra :D write me an essay pls sumitra

your name reminds me of the Indonesian island of Sumatra... good enough?

HoopyHoop replied 3972 days ago 1

Toby mate you the funniest! And the nicest! I always made me laugh :D you're amazing and continue to be this amazing in the future. Plz don't get stressed that just doesn't seem like you :( always be smiling, making people smile, with your sidekick Michael ;)

alright, I am guessing you're Prachi (I am right, ain't I?).... I am always smiling, when did I ever stop? :) You're being too nice, I don't deserve all this niceness.. sure I do deserve some, but not all this... Thank you, you're lovely :)

HoopyHoop replied 3972 days ago

I hope you're okay Toby. You're one of my favourite people, and you being sad, it makes me sad. I'M HERE FOR YOU <3

I am not sad :O (I can see where you could've been confused with the post and stuff, but when I said that I literally meant I was in pain as I am ill at the moment)... oh you, you're one of my favorites too anon (don't tell the others). THANKYOU! <3

HoopyHoop replied 3972 days ago


Ily too, I don't know why I deserved an ily, but I will accept it.

HoopyHoop replied 3972 days ago

Whys Steven bezzene awesome from Steven haha

I have no idea Steven.. you're just 'awesome'.. nobody will ever understand it (Y)

HoopyHoop replied 3972 days ago

You are actually the best. Chin up bud <3

oh you.. for you to have this concern, you're obviously a better person than the Toby... and DON'T YOU FORGET IT! my chin was never disfigured, so therefore it was never down.. thank you for the concern though <3

HoopyHoop replied 3974 days ago