Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
What kind of question is that?! well anyway.. I don't really know, I haven't spoken to many of them.. probably Solarah's mum, because she likes Prisoner and Doctor Who (I am pretty odd, did I mention? )
oh, alright Steven.. fair enough... :D
Last night (Y)
Prachi, it was obviously you.. I am sorry, but I have previously given you super long 'tbh's and TO BE HONEST, nothing has really changed since then.... :) just go back to a few months in the past and read those ones... then you'll appeciate my love.
Rainbow road? *rainbow road music starts jamming.
I mean, nothing is impossible.. but to be honest, I really don't feel like I really relate to anybody at Monterey. I have some really good friends, but there is nobody that really understands me, and I don't think I could bare to be in a relationship with somebody, if they don't completely understand me as a person. I am not saying that if I were to put myself out there, I could easily get in a relationship or anything... I am just saying that it is very unlikely.
I am getting the vibe of too much negativity from you, sir... You should improve on that.
alright, I am guessing you're Prachi (I am right, ain't I?).... I am always smiling, when did I ever stop? :) You're being too nice, I don't deserve all this niceness.. sure I do deserve some, but not all this... Thank you, you're lovely :)
I am not sad :O (I can see where you could've been confused with the post and stuff, but when I said that I literally meant I was in pain as I am ill at the moment)... oh you, you're one of my favorites too anon (don't tell the others). THANKYOU! <3
Ily too, I don't know why I deserved an ily, but I will accept it.
I have no idea Steven.. you're just 'awesome'.. nobody will ever understand it (Y)
oh you.. for you to have this concern, you're obviously a better person than the Toby... and DON'T YOU FORGET IT! my chin was never disfigured, so therefore it was never down.. thank you for the concern though <3
Tam Tams is great. I have known her for quite a few years, and I should really know more about her than I already do, but sadly (ofcourse) it isn't really the case, as I don't really know her that well. She is always laughing and cheer'y (for some reason), and is always down for a joke. I honestly don't have any more to say. Soz Tam Tams.
I know right. (Y)
I couldn't tell you completely.. there is some aspect of exercise, (not heaps)... eating less (I guess), and possibly stress.
Yes, it was great... And then lovely ol' Toby was being all jokingly rude and saying like "oh, did you just call me fat?".
oh, alright.. that was unexpected.. Not sure if joking or not, but joking would be very likely.. hmm. thank you? :)
I do have one thing to say... Pokemon have their own 'Gyms' in nearly every town across the globe, while the trainers can't even work out themselves, I mean I am not fitness freak, but maybe the trainer would be able to walk a bit faster if he was a bit more fitter, even with the running shoes or skates... Poor trainers, they don't even get a chance to lift.
Prachi is great, I miss her, she is love and she is life (just joking that is obviously me). History class isn't the same not sitting next to her, and what I miss the most is our little chats that we would have just about random things, and we'd argue and laugh and it would be a continous thing that always happened whenever we would talk, and it was great. She is lovely, funny, smart, she could be anything really... she has a big heart and tries her best to support others.
a follower, most definitely.. I have been told that I am a leader, but honestly.. I couldn't survive without the support of others, not very leadership-ly and stuff.
There are really too many to name... The people who I were the closest to, would have to be; Richard, Brodie, Caitie, Riley... just to name a few.
OH GOD, OH GOD... so much for the anonymous. (Y)
I am sure I wish that too.. but that isn't fair, I mean.. if you want to get to know me, I am sure I want to get to know you too, message me or something :)
that, that is not a video url.. I am disappointed now :(
uhm, alright.
Poor Raticate </3
oh, you.. don't, stahp it, oh you. But seriously though, I can guarantee you that you're a better person than me, because for me to get to know you, I must really like you.. and that means alot. (Y) I can never understand why people tell me things like this, because It is how I see alot of other people but not myself. (if that makes sense). Anyway, curiosity is kicking in now.. (you should tell me who you are). <3
Maddi is great, she is one person who I know would stand by me no matter what, although we don't really share the same interests per-say, we are very alike. We always get along and I love her... friend Toby, you know that guy? he's great. but seriously though, One person I want to be friends with for a long time (still talking about Toby).. but seriously though ily Maddie. (it could stand for something else) <3
I like that it is 1 year closer until we get to meet Marty McFly.. that is all, this year is terrible overall. (Y)
Lavender Town.
I don't even know you GET OUT OF MY LIFE! Naa, Solarah, you're really a great friend; like, surely I get annoying? I ***** on alot, ask alot of questions, talk about useless things, and you put up with all that, I would think that I am not worth it. You're pretty, and you're even prettier now that you have lost a tiny bit of weight (you were not fat before), I love you and Brodie, and aslong as he makes you happy, I support that relationship (believe me, I don't support all relationships). You're smart, funny and you're really fun to be around and I am comfortable around you, enough that I tell you everything. I hope that we're friends for a long time, so I can use you some more, obviously. xx
I really respect you and enjoy your company, but I am not really sure if you feel the same way about me?? I have a feeling that you only talk to me because you sorta have to, and that you no more actually want to talk to me, and only talk to me to get advice or information of sorts... I am not really sure of which of my friends actually like me in a that I am their real friend, and that they would want to talk to me and love me no matter what, but not just use me because I am there.
A Bear, I love bears... (not the hairy men)
It is a desert made of eggwhites that have been lightly whipped to make a soft base, with cream and berries on the top.
To be Maid of Honor.. always been my dream <3
Not so much 'clothing' but how I style my hair.. people don't know me any different.
Nope, never.
Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube.
Mysterious seafood.. starting from Prawns.
Facebook, YouTube.
My name is not Pam, so quit saying it.
I am sorry, I should've been more thoughtful of other people.
I am wearing some sorta dressy black shorts (it is how I roll) with a grey beatles T-shirt.. pretty awesome if you ask me.
I really don't know... when I think of all the stuff that has happened this year, my mind automatically goes to all the BAD stuff that has happened.. the best thing that has happened this year for me personally would probably be the friends that I have gotten closer to and the new friends that I had made.. I talk to alot more people now and enjoy finding similarity's between other people and myself. ily 'Friends'. <3
ehh, uhm.. Liam, Riley, Solarah, Richard, Sam, Michael, Hannah, Andrew, Caitie, Brodie, Brayden, Brandon, Maddi and many more great lads.. (did I mention that I can't count?)
I really don't know.. I am not going to lie and say that I have extreme confidence in myself to succeed but ofcourse it is something that i'd aim for.. I want to go to university and get a degree in something that I enjoy and that i'd be happy doing for the rest of my life.. I don't see myself ever getting married or finding that 'one true love', so I'd probably be boarding in a shared house with a friend or something along those lines.
I think you really have to be more specific.. favorite females including everybody would be my Mother or Grandmother.. <3 Favorite girl from school etc... eh, that'd probably be Solarah, Caitie... actually, I can't even name them all, there are many girls from school that I love being around and talking to.
I am being completely honest here, as much as I love Lauren, I never felt that way.
oh, anon, you're so sweet.. I am sure that you're the kind that i'd marry aswell. You should really inbox me though, I am curious to know who you're :) ily <3
I love everybody anon... :3 I know you obviously don't mean it that way, but not that I really know of at the moment, I am not really a 'crush' sort of person, and in the rare occasion there is, it wears off in no time. (Y)
oh stahp, Ily Caitie <3
ily bby.
oh, I see what you did there.. and it is also slightly creepy, hmmm.. anyway, I am not sure who actually stalks me though.. o.O so I couldn't really give you anything, I know that a few people have, but who doesn't on the interwebs?! I am sure that you're a fine lad/lass and you just want to learn the ways of the Tobias. ;P
oh, thank you so much, but I am afraid that you're greater, :P Toby is just Toby, you're more than that, :)
I definitely feel what you're saying.
Even though everybody calls you that, and I am not completely sure of the reason why... to be completely honest.. you seem to lie alot of the time, so I don't see how you could be the truth, Not everybody is comfortable in opening up and telling the truth, but if that is the case, just don't say anything, it is much better than lieing, and it can't cause any problems.
It can be as big as you want it to be.. my Nose will grow as it pleases.
haven't I already done one for you recently..? oh, anyway.. Sumitra, you're quite an amazing lass, (obviously the better one of the twins, PRACHI I HOPE YOU READ THIS) talented, funny, and we get along pretty great, It was quite horrible that you had to/wanted to move schools, but atleast you got away from that ****heap.. there isn't much more I can say about you.. I just hope that you're having a good time at your new school :)
There is definitely too many people, and I am sorry, but I can't answer that.. if you be more specific, I might be able to answer that. (y)
alright, I have never actually met her (like many of my friends), but from what I know she is a top lass, I have yet to find a flaw from her, and she is one that definitely deserves the best as I have not ever heard a bad word of her, or from her, I have spoken to her a few times, and every time she has told me how much she cares about me, and how she would like to help if I was ever feeling down, for a person that I have never met, that is a damn nice thing to say.. 10/10 :D
if you're so interested in Caitie, than maybe you should date her? ;)
I'd rather date you Andrew, <3
well, thanks? I actually take that as a compliment, I see Caitlyn as a great friend, and we get along great, but I doubt whether anything would ever happen.. YAY I HAVE BEEN SHIPPED WITH SOMEBODY! :O
well, it was intended as false advertising, but I am sure if you took your time to read something that I had posted, I am sure you are interested in me, which means I probably do love you <3
oh gosh.. I don't really read that often.. probably the first Harry Potter book.. and that was ages ago. :/
to cheer a friend up at one of their bad times, I don't know a better feeling.
Don't really remember, at primary school, but not sure how.. I'll just say Starbucks... We met at Starbucks.
oh, Saam.. you're truly an awesome human being.. I am pretty pissed that I stopped talking to you for all those years, and seeing you again was quite amazing. I honestly couldn't think of somebody better to be with Richard (except myself), and you make him the happiest that I have ever seen him. It would be great to catch up some more another time, as I am very comfortable around you and enjoy your company. The only bad thing is that you have TAKEN RICHARD AWAY FROM ME!.. *cough... gurrrl.. stay awesome, and never change. (Y) Oh, and thank you for your support and stuff through the hard times that we have all been through. <3
oh, Solarah... back in Year 7, I would've never thought we'd ever be as good friends as we are now (that's right ***** I won the scholarship). Become your friend has helped me through so many tough times with your support and your talent in listening to my **** that I rant about.. alot. You definitely have potential and a person like yourself only deserves the best in life.. selfless, kind.. you don't have a bad bone in your body.. I hope that we're good friends for a long time (until WWIII).. and I hope that our friendship will never change. just promise me that you and Brodie will always be happy, because sadness is something that you should not be apart of. :D
oh Prack-e... well, you're honestly the smartest lass I know, you also have a side of you that is funny, and you're quite an interesting person, I quite enjoy our random talks that we have at times, and they always involve plenty of laughing. You have alot of potential, and I am sure if I look you up in 10+ years you will be a successful lawyer or something along those lines. :)
well, I am not really sure about this... It would be kinda cool to go, but not at the moment, maybe if I have a gap year after school or something i'll go for a 'drive' and visit him.. but defnitely not in the next 2-4 years.. so, by then.. i don't know whether he will be still living there..
eh, I think, sorry.. wut?
oh wow, I actually wasn't expecting this.. maybe a few weeks ago, but not after all the.. oh never mind.. she is a great friend, but I doubt whether anything would ever happen between us. We aren't really eachothers type, I guess... i'd rather just stay good friends with her and keep the good relationship, then become her partner and possibly ruin what we already have.. (Y)
hmm, first would definitely be Liam, been good friends with him for a long time, and we've been through alot, second would be Richard, he is one of the greatest guys I know and never fails to cheer me up, third would be Solarah, I never used to be close to her, but in the past couple of years I have gotten closer to her and we have great conversations, fourth would be Riley, he is a great guy, and I definitely look up to him. and last would be Sam, I've been friends with Sam for the longest out of anyone, and I guess that is part of why we're still good friends today. close runners up would be Caitie, Brodie, Maddi, Andrew, Michael, Braiden, Hannah, Steven and many more... I am sorry if I forgot to mention you, love you all <3
I would write a magical book that is filled with happiness and happy endings, and then jump into it, and live inside it. (Y)
I do agree with this, but I don't see how signing an online petition could change anything..
Eh barely.. We don't have any problems.. We just never speak anymore. :/ It would be good to catch up with him though. (Y)
Great 'modern' invention.. Without it, we wouldn't have easy to get ice cream.. Just sayin'.
Eh, that is really difficult, but I probably couldn't put it down to 5.. Solarah, Brodie, Michael, Richard, Sam, Hannah, Riley, Caitie... Nearly impossible to put it down to 5.. I have definitely forgotten people.. But I am probably closer to the ones that I have known for longer.
Toby doesn't really have any secrets.. but I will let you know of my diarrhea plans next exam season. :3
Why thank you Prachmitra, atleast I am awesome.. thank god for that. :3
uhmmm, well it depends what you mean.. hopefully it isn't what, oh never mind.. I guess too small? bigger things are much better, you can always cut them down and make them smaller to fit your liking, you can't get something that is small and use scissors to make it bigger. (Y)
I wouldn't really enjoy it, but I would just tell them that I will give them half if I can slap them.. it is only fair, they're doing half the work.