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422 Replies

I think they're jealous of my super good looks
and yours too

Anon you're perfffff

Rubyy replied 3895 days ago

Maaaan people need to chill
you're allowed to hang out with both groups who gives a damn
love tiah

I know right, love yaa tee

Rubyy replied 3895 days ago

You used and abused your 'old' friends until you could be come friends with people who you *****ed about and dispised for months

The thing is you're so wrong it's getting funny, they're still my closest friends, I haven't "used" or "abused" them one bit. Get over the fact I have more than one group of friends for goodness sake. The people I've become friends again with I have made up with them and we've put our past behind us and moved on happily. I can't be friends with whoever I want and to be honest nobody can say different. Seriously grow up and stop sending me stupid anonymous qoohs saying I'm a ditcher and what now, because I'm honestly not.

Rubyy replied 3896 days ago

People need to relax, wow she's friends with two different groups. Get over it..


Rubyy replied 3896 days ago

Go rubs!! You tell em girl paris.houeix

Love ya Paz x

Rubyy replied 3896 days ago

Ruby can do whatever she wants and if she says she's not ditching them then she isn't. Stop getting in her business. And don't call her dumb because that would make you a hypocrit seeing as you're the only one here who doesn't know what 'ditching' is :) moniquehambling

Love youuuuu noons

Rubyy replied 3896 days ago

You're mint

You're lovely

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

You have ditched them you dumb girl

How am I the dumb one when I know the correct definition of ditched, to you the idiotic anon ditched is when you completely leave someone and never talk to them or hang out with them ever and for your information that's exactly the opposite of what I'm doing, seriously stop giving me **** for hanging out with people apart from them, they're still my closest friends, I hang out with them the equal amount of time I hang out with my other close friends, I haven't ditched them at all, if you want to go give somebody **** for absoultley no reason or for things that you don't even know what you're even talking about, I suggest you don't because you honestly sound so stupid because I've ditched no one I just hang out with more than one group for gods sake get over it.

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago 1

You haven't ditched them at all what the **** people

I know right

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

And screamo, ruby sheep you have just been trolled eagle101

It's wonderfully good

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

What music do you like

A lot of artists but mostly milky chance, the Beatles, Radiohead, inxs, the doors, white stripes, of monsters and me and others

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

People being judgmental

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

So you just completely ditch your other group

No actually, just because I have close friends from two different groups doesn't mean I've ditched anyone, I hang out with them both doesn't mean I've ditched anyone, why can't you just realise having two close friend groups doesn't mean you've ditched anyone god

Rubyy replied 3897 days ago

Thoughts on Alana, Sarah, Carley, Zoe and Olivia

They're all the best girls and they're hot too! Love them to absolute bits!

Rubyy replied 3900 days ago

You're mint

Awww you are

Rubyy replied 3900 days ago