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? ek is alles behalwe n player
Rhoan is oorlede in a motorfiets ongeluk
Hy is oorlede in n motorfiets ongeluk
Knowing that one day I might just be able to touch people with my music and obviously the opportunity to spread the word of God
This Question
End poverty = because in doing so I would also be ending world hunger , crime rights would drop bc people steal mostly out of necessity not for pleasure , eveyone would be able to afford education enhancing the intellectual capacity of the worlds population, people will think of staying healthy and being happy instead of staying alive and getting by. But incase enyone miss understands all these positive consequences as being the repercussions of individuals having money , it is far from that. Money is paper , but unfortunately it is our gateway to beter ourselves and enhance our degree of living quality, if poverty ever ends it will not be bc everyone has money it will be bc humanity has learned that it isn't about every man for himself but rather about all men for one another.
Onmenslik dankbaar want jy mag dalk van incest hou , maar ek nie
Ek sou die nie beantwoord nie , net asgevolg van die taalgebruik alleen ,maar ek moet sê jy praat darm flippen groot vir iemand wat te bang is om hul naam te gee of dit na my gesig te sê
Haha shot , maar net vriende ?
Hoe ? ??
Grootste kompliment wat ek al in my lewe gekry het ??
Ek dink dit was iemand anders ? , ek slaan nie vinnig nie
???? Vuilhonne
Beteken baie , maar probeer liewer soos Jesus wees
??? Dis n eer
-To be the best guitar player who will ever live
- To be happy for the rest of my life
- To meet God for a hour so we can talk
Net die vuilhond was al
Baie snaaks wie okal die ding geskryf het ? , en nee definitief nie
Haha ek was eintlik baie soet
Haha ? Ek probeer my bes
Ek is siek ??
Wat is gym , kan jy dit braai ?
baie lanklaas gepraat
Ek die vraag verstaan tot en met "jy sad jou fanny." Hy lyk soos n decent ou so ek sien geen rede om nie van hom te hou nie ? , maar ek kan nie kommentaar lewer nie omdat ek hom nie goed genoeg keni
Inderdaad ????
Inderdaad ????
? Dan wat ?
In Bali se geld eenheid ja ?❤️
I'm not ?
Hang af wat jy sê ??
Man who hears
one ??
If I know them , if the quality of their fotos are good or if they are someone of interest
Sounds solid ma man
No comment
Yes , and losing her was something I will probably always see as a mistake
Whoever this is thank you , I will try my utmost best
I don't hate anyone , but I do lose respect for some people . I dislike ignorance, someone who believes that they are in any way better than anyone else. When someone doesn't stay true to there word. And most of all when someone is two-faced.
Don't know , you tell me ??
The fact that music exists
Yes , I've been playing in the drumline for 2 years now
I ignore no one
For the 3 time ?? Me and Anke are just friends Anonymous
Calla en ek is van graad 8 af baie goeie vriende , ek sal beslis sê hy is my beste vriend , maar ek verkies om te sê hy is my broer
I think you ment to say Anke , and me and Anke are like brother and sister. I'd to anything for her and she always has my back , all we are , are really good friends.
I believe myself to be caring , loving and fair , I try my best to be the best version of myself I can be everyday . I have a immense respect for other individuals and try to judge only on what is presented to me . I am flawed and have made many mistakes , but truely believe that is the only way to grow.
It was new and amazing even though neither of us new what we were doing
Many , but making mistakes is how we grow in our own individuality, and dwelling in the past does nothing to better the person you are at this point in time
Dm me ? , I fear the repercussion of the answer if I where to answer it on qooh
My go to is definitely - ?
Sarcasm game on ?
I do not believe the pigment of someones skin makes a difference to the individual
For me to know and for you to find out ?
Primary School girlfriend , Camryn
Hello Cara , nie so baie soos jy nie ?
Play Guitar